Shortest Brick Workout EVER

>> Thursday, May 03, 2012

Yesterday, I had an hour to squeeze in a quick SUPER SHORT brick workout before this weekend's duathlon.

Normally, my brick workouts look like one of these:

#1. 15-30 mile ride with a 5K-10K run afterwards. If I'm training for a sprint race, I'll do less milage. If I'm training for an Olympic Distance race, I'll lean towards higher milage.


#2. That crazy duathlon workout that I like to do a few times a year where I bike on a trainer and do 10 minutes of biking followed by a 1 mile run back-to-back-to-back-to-back.

I've done that second workout a number of ways.... from on the track:

... to out of my garage with friends:

But yesterday, I didn't do a longer "traditional" brick workout, nor did I do the long "burning" bike / run / bike / run / bike / run / bike / run workout. Yesterday, I did a quick 16 mile ride with a 1 mile run-off at the end. Why so short? Because my duathlon this weekend is only a 2 mile run, a 10 mile bike, and a 2 mile run.

On the bike, I warmed-up for about 2 miles, hit the next 5.5 at more of a moderate pace, and then went HARD for the remaining 8.5 miles.

Here's the route I rode:

- At "A:" 20.2 mph ave. It's downhill to there, and then I started the HARD miles.
- At "B:" 20.5 mph ave. Then I started climbing back up from the river's edge.
- At "C:" 20.1 mph ave. I was at the base of a nasty hill, and I took the "back way" up.
- At "D:" 19.5 mph ave. I was spent at the top of the hill. Nice.
- Back at home: 19.6 mph ave. It was a LITTLE into the wind the final few miles, but I pushed as much as I could. I "spun out" my legs a bit near the end, but I kept up the effort.

I had a 1:15 transition as I hopped off my bike, ran it to the house, put it in the basement, changed shorts (cause I wanted to - I didn't NEED to), changed shoes, took quick swig of water, ran out the door, and hit watch on front sidewalk.

Then I did a quick lap about our "big" block:

A counter-clockwise loop from the green arrow back past the green arrow
and around the corner for 1 mile

My legs had that great / horrible heavy feeling as soon as I took off. And that's why I wanted to do a quick brick - to make sure I knew how to react to those heavy legs during the race! After less than a quarter mile, my legs felt looser.

I hit the half mile mark in 2:53, and made it back past home to the 1 mile mark in another 2:54, for a 5:47 mile. That was hard, but not "all out."

Time for some stretching / rest, and then a RACE ON SATURDAY!!! First multi-sport race of the season! It shouldn't be a problem that I wasn't on my bike during the entire month of April... right?....


TriMOEngr 6:27 AM, May 03, 2012  

Hate that heavy feeling. I definitely need to do more bricks! Best wishes for a great du, Mr. Speedy!

Phil Tucker 7:39 AM, May 03, 2012  

Sounds like a smart prep for the race. Be interested to hear how the du goes!

TK 10:54 AM, May 03, 2012  

Nordica will be racing the sprint on Saturday. If Lil Hank is there tell him he better not make those eyes at her or we will have to throw down in a winner takes all match. Have fun racing.

The Triathlon Rx 6:46 PM, May 04, 2012  

It's Marie!!

Have a good race, and enjoy the tacos!

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