Half Marathon Today!!

>> Saturday, May 12, 2012

Hopefully I've just recently wrapped up my 7th half marathon. (I wrote this up yesterday and have it scheduled to post.) Here's what I know about the race:

It's in the middle of gosh darn nowhere.

I can say that because I grew up even FARTHER into the middle of nowhere.

I've learned to run in the country, but it gets depressing. Look at that map. I'll be able to see across a field a few miles to mile 8 while I'm still at mile 2. And at mile 7, I'll easily be able to see the town off in the distance and know THAT'S where I have to get to in order to finish. Super.

It's supposed to be fairly hilly. I'm ready for them. I've logged a lot of miles running up and down hills with the stroller, so bring on these non-stroller hills.

I think I'll approach it much like the Securian Run Half Marathon back in January. At that race, I took off a little easy, and I had a pretty major negative split (44:31 / 40:51). That negative split was wind-aided, so unless this race is windy on the way out too, I hope to NOT negative split it THAT much, but I'll race in a similar manner.

I'm not going to PR. Not on a hilly course in the middle of nowhere. I hope to be between my Securian Run time (1:25:22) and my PR (1:22:51). Anything just under 1:24 would be spectacular, but I'll just go race and see what happens.

Check my twitter feed for post-race updates! It's an MDRA "Grand Prix" race, so I hope to finish strong and out-kick some of the competition! :)

Back soon with how it all went down!!


SteveQ 11:03 AM, May 12, 2012  

Good day for racing. A friend set a course record at the Lake Wobegon Trail Marathon and latest update suggests fast times at the Ice Age 50 mile too. Best of luck!

Ken L 5:48 PM, May 12, 2012  

Looks like you had a good race. Do you need to edit the "I'm not going to PR" part?

Tough Guy 2:53 AM, May 15, 2012  

Great job well done, Congratulations to all the participants. Thanks for sharing this to us and looking forward always for more updates.

Tough Guy 2:58 AM, May 15, 2012  

Great job well done, Congratulations to all the participants. Thanks for sharing this to us and looking forward always for more updates.

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