2010 in Review (and collection of "pirate" photos)

>> Wednesday, January 05, 2011

2010 numbers:

- Swim: 151,806.6 yards (86.25 miles, 1.81 mph ave)
- Bike: 863.93 miles (outdoors, 18.42 mph ave)
- Run: 911.42 miles (7:21 / mile ave)
- Trainer Rides / Spin Class: 21 hours 30 minutes
- Mountain Biking: 4 hours 49 minutes
- Strength / Core: 65 hours 27 minutes (129 "sessions")
- Weight: 156.6 start, 156.4 end, 159.9 high (Feb), 151.4 low (Sept)
- Body Fat %: high of 12.65 (July), low of 11.47 (Sept)

Some notes on those numbers:

- Swim: over 100% more than last year! Thanks to Julia! (And Jen!)
- Bike: believe it or not, but that's BETTER than last year (by like 55 miles). I need to fall back in love with biking, but it's just not happening...
- Run: over 50% more than last year! I had 399 miles logged in the first 6 months of 2010, and over 512 miles logged in the last 6 months. Thanks to Jen!
- Strength / Core: a few more times than 2009, but pretty similar. Did a little less in the last half of the year because Jen didn't have me doing as much during my TC 10 Mile training.
- Weight: pretty similar to last year. But both my high and low are a little higher than last year. Uh oh...

- Duathlons: 4 total (2 individually, 2 as a relay)
- Triathlons: 4 total (1 sprint, 1 oly, 2 indoor)
- Half Marathons: 2
- 10 Mile: 2
- 5K or 4 Mile: 3

- KILLED my Olympic Tri PR with a 2:15:37 performance at Liberty Tri.
- Also at Liberty, I received my first "age group" win in a tri.
- Raced my first "swim only" event at the "Great Prairie 2.5K Open Water Swim."
- Had GREAT luck with my running: set new PRs in the mile (4:53), 5K (17:11), 4 mile (22:42), 10 mile (59:05), and half marathon (1:22:51) distances!
- Most of those PRs were substantial: 1.6 sec in the mile, 15 sec in the 5K, 1:07 in the 4 mile, 3:14 in the 10 mile, and 5:14 in the half marathon. (And my Oly PR was 7:23 better than my previous best!)
- Got to work with Jen Harrison (my first real coach) and learned a TON in the 8 weeks prior to the TC 10 Mile.

I think one of the biggest personal highlights for me is that after a year of MORE mileage and FASTER PRs, I can say that I didn't have to visit Dr. Folske ONCE in 2010! It's been the most injury-free year I've EVER had! My heels and my knees are in good shape! I hurt a little something in my foot after Liberty, but I just took it easy for a while after that. I played it smart. And being smart paid off. The downside was that I didn't race nearly as much as in the past - add up my running and multisport races listed above this year, and you get 15; last year it was 19; and the year before it was 21.

Remember my ONE goal for 2010? It was this: to get a photo at the finish line of every race with me stopping my watch or looking like a "pirate" (or THEE most amazing photo of all: a pirate WHILE stopping my watch!). I was sick of getting photos like this in the past, so at the end of 2009, I decided I'd embrace this for 2010. Below is what I was able to get throughout the year.

First, here are 7 photos of me stopping my watch:

L to R, top of bottom: Winter Carnival Half Marathon, Oakdale Du, Gear West Du, Liberty Tri, Great Prairie Open Water Swim, Waseca Tri, and the official timing photo from the Charities Challenge Track Meet (1 mile)

Next, here are 3 photos of me as a "one-legged pirate" during the final kick of a race:

Cannon Falls Duathlon

Oakdale Duathlon (unflattering down-stride... sorry)

Waseca Triathlon

And finally (the "creme de la creme"), here are the only 2 photos from the year that show me stopping my watch AND looking like a "one-legged pirate" at the same time:

Cannon Falls Duathlon

Twin Cities 10 Mile

Back with my goals for 2011 shortly - I'm mixing things up this year. Oh, and I'll also post the "Year in Review in Porta-Potty Shots." ;) So look for that and my "new years goals" shortly. Thanks everyone!


UltraMamaC 5:31 PM, January 05, 2011  

Pirate + watch + bowl o' sunshine = Mega Epic!!

Pretend this is real 5:38 PM, January 05, 2011  

Ahhh... "stopwatch" photos. Always a great way to remember a race. Such fond memories!

MajorMantra 6:42 PM, January 05, 2011  

I swear you'd enjoy cycling (not biking! ;) more if you got yourself a road bike. Tri bikes are great for one thing - tris. They are sub-optimal for group riding and general riding around.

Obviously you want to be doing some of your training on the bike you compete on but with a road bike you might enjoy the experience more, so overall you'd still get more cycling done. Just a thought...

The Triathlon Rx 7:10 PM, January 05, 2011  

Awwwesome awesome year! Congrats on all of your accomplishments!

(p.s. Can you send some of that injury-free juice my way? Please?!)

Christi 7:24 PM, January 05, 2011  

Your swimming miles are awesome! I want to be like you when I grow up!

T 9:12 PM, January 05, 2011  

don't forget, you also had your first beer mile race!

Adrienne 11:33 PM, January 05, 2011  

Note to Chad-- The word EPIC is so 2010.

Nice photos and stats. Suweet.

Looking forward to the porta potty shots.

SueM,  5:13 AM, January 06, 2011  

First the pinkie, now the pirate, and soon the porta-potty. Awesome!

Krista 8:30 AM, January 06, 2011  

Those PR's are not 'luck' - you worked hard and trained smart and it paid off! Congrats on a great season!

Kim 8:35 AM, January 06, 2011  

what was the pirate movie rated?


tee heee!

awesome 2010 season steve. i foresee more PRs and bloody toes in 2011!

SteveQ 11:17 AM, January 06, 2011  

How do you come in at 12% body fat and I come in at 8-9%, but I look like the Pillsbury doughboy?

Also, that average run pace is just sick.

I'ma gonna hafta take ya down a peg. Winter Carnival Half, perhaps?

Beth 10:26 PM, January 06, 2011  

You had a great year all around! Most happy for you regarding the lack of doctor visits. Hope 2011 makes all of your dreams come true!

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