TC "Flash Run" and Kona Reports

>> Thursday, October 21, 2010

Monday night, Twin Cities in Motion (the organization that puts on the TC Marathon and 10 Mile) hosted it's second ever "Flash Run." They started putting clues on Facebook a few days before, and everyone was to meet at Moscow on the Hill (a local restaurant) and wear their mittens.

Get it? Mittens and a place referencing Russia? Cute. ;)

I figured that since I'm not training for ANYTHING right now, it'd be fun way to get me out for a run and to meet new people. Unfortunately there was only 1 person there who I DIDN'T know.

I got there a few minutes late because I was finishing up class, and they had already snapped this group photo:

Small group. But they're working to get them bigger...

As soon as I showed up, we all took off on a 3+ mile loop in the Cathedral Hill neighborhood of St. Paul. I snapped this photo of all of us headed up to Dale on Summit Ave:

Matt, Katie, Todd, Ben, and Carla [maybe?] - I'm bad with names...

It was a great little run!! If you want to be kept in the loop on future "Flash Runs," become a fan of Twin Cities in Motion on Facebook. I'd like to try to make it to more of their runs.

In other local news: I've been sharing a number of Ironman World Championship race reports from fellow Minnesotans on my Examiner page. I enjoy reading race reports, and when it's "the big show," it's even more exciting. Here are links to some: Alex Hooke finished in 9:30 and got a photo with Conrad Stoltz (both are nearly nude). Andrew Turner fought off stomach cramps and finished with a half-hour PR. Pam Nielsen had to finish before it got too dark so her Dad (who's eyesight is failing) could see her cross the line. And Catherine Lee kicked some ass on the bike to place 10th in her AG! (Oh, and this isn't Kona related, but my swimming buddy Julia recently placed 11th in the "Best of the US Triathlon" in California! Congrats Julia!)

If you want to get local swim / bike / run / du / tri updates in your Facebook feed, become a fan of the St. Paul Triathlon Examiner on Facebook. I post links to my articles as well as links to outside sources that might interest "people like us." (Other people can post there too.)

New contest / giveaway announcement tomorrow! Check back!


Matt 7:43 AM, October 21, 2010  

Steve, I believe her name is Carla (or Karla—silly letters that sound the same).

CoachLiz 8:16 PM, October 21, 2010  

Thanks for the link to the nearly nude picture of Alex and Conrad!

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