Shorter Runs This Week

>> Saturday, August 28, 2021

After 3 weeks of being happy that I logged over 20 miles of running, I dropped down to 16.7 miles this week. As I mentioned in Thursday's post, I had a long run on Monday that got shortened because of some calf/achilles pain.

And then Wednesday's easy run was short as well: just 3 miles on the treadmill. I used the treadmill for just that purpose: to hop off whenever things started to hurt.

But luckily, yesterday's run went fine. It was on the treadmill again (so I could stop when pain showed up), but I got 5.1 miles before deciding to quit - NOT because of any pain! So here's my week so far:

After my painful short run on Wednesday, I just did an easy and short spin on Thursday. So this week will go down as an easier and shorter week all around.

Next week's long run will be totally by feel, and it will be on the treadmill. (Boring.) I'll cut it short again if pain starts to creep in, but I'll be on the treadmill so I can stop whenever and not have to run 2 more miles because I'm still far from home. I'll be aiming for 10 miles, so we'll see how far I can go.


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