First Track Workout in 3 Months: 3x1600

>> Monday, August 09, 2021

This weekend, I went to a gym for the first time in 3 months, and I also did a speed workout for the first time in 3 months!

I hit the track on Friday for the first speed work since my late May injury. Normally, I'd try something more like a 3 mile tempo run as a first-speed-work-in-a-long-time workout, but I didn't want to get too far from home (in case something flared up and I had to quit), and I wanted a flat surface. Being the St. Thomas University track is just over a 1/2 mile away, I figured that was the safest bet.

Garmin map of my many laps.

I did 3x1600 meters with 3:00 of walking in between. And notice how some of those splits (like 10 and 13) are at the "wrong" end of the track? That was my 2nd interval that I ran clockwise, which felt weird at first - lining up far to the RIGHT on the track about to turn RIGHT wasn't normal. Here are my 800 splits and my 1600 totals:

2:51 + 2:44 = 5:35
2:47 + 2:46 = 5:33
2:48 + 2:43 = 5:30

They were a bit faster than I had expected as I told myself I could take it a bit easy. But it's hard to go "easy" when you're on the track!!

My legs were tired on Saturday, but otherwise felt good all weekend. So hopefully I'll be back to "normal" training soon!


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