Hitting 20 Mile Run Weeks!

>> Monday, August 16, 2021

Sorry for the lack of a weekend post... I'm knee deep in a living room and stairway renovation. Maybe a few pics on that soon.

The good news is that the last 2 weeks of training have seen 20+ mile running weeks for the first time since mid-May! Here's what the last 2 weeks looked like:

The last week of July (the week before the 2 weeks shown above) had a long run of 8.14 miles which was my first week of outdoor running in about 8-9 weeks, and I hit 19.44 miles total for the week.

Then I hit 9 miles for a long run on the 2nd (indoors on a treadmill) and 10.25 miles for a long run on the 9th! Those long runs got me over 20 miles for those 2 weeks: 20.32 and 20.85 miles as seen above. My long run on the 9th had a route that never got me more than 2.5 miles from home in case something started to hurt:

The "out and back" along the river is about 8 miles total, and then I
added the bit on along the Greenway (to the west) to get over 10 total.

I did 10.25 miles in 1:11:40 (7:00 pace overall) with the middle 5 miles a bit faster: half mile splits of 3:22, 3:16, 3:22, 3:13, 3:09, 3:12, 3:14, 3:16, 3:14, 3:12 = 32:36.23 (6:31.2/mile pace for the faster 5 miles).

I will totally be playing it by ear for today's long run! I've been on my feet a lot these past few days working around the house, so I don't want to push it if something starts to ache too much. I've also been climbing my weekly mileage and my weekly long run since the end of June, so if I have to back off a bit, THAT'S FINE. Time to run shortly...


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