Solid Long Run (and a Rest Week)

>> Monday, August 10, 2020

I was thinking last week would be a bit of a "scaled back / easy week," but then my mother-in-law offered to take the boys. And I realized that this coming week would be a little busy, so this week would be a better easy week. So I still hit it harder last week.

• MONDAY started with a long run:

• TUESDAY was a long ride. My boys were gone Monday afternoon through Thursday afternoon last week, so I used that "freedom" on Tuesday for a long ride. I took the Greenway detour and got in 33 miles:

Out near Hwy 100.

I tweeted this after my ride. Add in the upcoming few days
of rides, and I hit 200.7 miles in under 3 weeks.

• WEDNESDAY was an easy run. I'd been doing a lot on these legs, and I needed to watch it.

• THURSDAY was a shorter trainer ride, and then a bike ride home from dropping off my car at the dealership.

Car dropped off and ready to bike home.

• FRIDAY was some intervals at the track, and then another ride to get my car. And the boys and I rode to the track as well, so for it being a "running" day, I ended up biking 5 miles to-and-from the track, and then nearly 8 miles to the dealership to get my car. HEAVY LEGS!

The boys packing up after my track workout. More on this workout tomorrow!

I took it easier this past weekend because I NEEDED TO. Here's what my training log looks like M-F with the workouts from above:

Long run, long ride, easy run, trainer/bike ride, and intervals with 2 bike rides.

I'll have more about the track workout tomorrow. Have a great week!


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