A Successful Easier Week

>> Tuesday, August 18, 2020

I mentioned last week that this past week would be an easier "back off" week. And I was successful in that (when it's sometimes harder for me to hold back for a bit). Here's what it looked like:

Not seen: no running or biking the 2 days before this week as well.

MONDAY was a shorter long run.
TUESDAY was some easy mountain biking as seen in yesterday's post.
WEDNESDAY was an easy run.
THURSDAY was nothing!
FRIDAY was an easy run.
SATURDAY was just a bike ride with the boys.
SUNDAY was a moderate-paced middle-distance bike ride along the river.

I've been increasing my running lately, but this past week was shorter than the previous 3 weeks. AND a lot easier effort. And I don't really count my mountain biking or my ride with the boys as "actual" rides, so it was my first week without 2 or 3 bike rides since the week of May 4th! That was 14 weeks ago!

This week, I already hit it a bit harder yesterday with an 8.1 mile long run (with the middle 5 "at pace"). And hopefully a nice ride today.


Anonymous,  12:17 PM, August 18, 2020  

steve.....dont get hurt. you are not built for running long distance at intensity. You are going to get hurt again. This is your conscious talking.

Steve Stenzel 5:47 PM, August 18, 2020  

No, the "race pace" miles over the years have helped keep my injury-free. They are about the best thing for me, because when I just run the same pace for longer runs, THEN I get injured. I'm not built for 1 pace forever.

Here's a bit I posted about them years ago: https://iwannagetphysical.blogspot.com/2014/09/thirsty-for-knowledge-thursday-race.html

Yes, I'll get injured again. But my "big" injuries have not been because of running hard. A few calf things may have been, but race pace miles keep me going! I swear!

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