An At-Home Weight-Lifting PR

>> Saturday, August 08, 2020

Last weekend, I set a weight lifting PR.

My "normal" routine is about 5-6 sets of everything for my upper body doing 2 muscle groups at a time (like back/chest x5, lats/shoulders x5, and bi/tri x5). On the weekends, I usually do circuits: I do 1 set for each muscle group as a circuit and repeat that. So it's something like (back, chest, lats, bi, and tri) x5.

On "BIG" days, I've done 7 or 8 of each muscle group. But on last Saturday, I actually got in all the normal repetitions as well, without crapping out near the end. So I did:


8 rounds of:

- 30 push-ups
- 40 lb back rows x20 (for each side)
- 8 pull-ups
- 30 lb bicep hammer curls x32
- 30 elevated triceps dips

I did more than 30 push-ups to start, but averaged 30 by the end. Was able to do 8 pull-ups through 5 sets, then did 7, 7, and 6 (so 4 shy of 64). Did an extra 5 pull-ups when I was done to get there, and that was about all I had.

So by the end, I did 240 push-ups, 640 back rows (320/side), 65 pull-ups, 256 bicep curls, and 240 elevated tricep dips.

I think that's a daily PR for all of those execises. I often like to make it a point to hit 50 pull-ups, so 65 was a PR. I also like to hit 200 push-ups on "good" days, so 240 was a record.


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