Friday Funny 1756: COVID-19 Funnies #11

>> Friday, April 24, 2020

I'd like to pause and share some funnies about what the President implied yesterday:

Lysol felt compelled to make a statement after that.

And here are a few funnies about recent protests:

There are holes in other funnies here. (I mean, memes
aren't rock solid.) But there's a LOT of truth in this one.

And in an un-funny of the day, my wife works in a Level 1 trauma center,
and has worked in the ICU in recent days. She's witnessed otherwise healthy
young people die/nearly die. And people say goodbye to loved ones via Facetime.

Sorry (not sorry) for getting political. Since no one here is a snowflake, I'm sure we can all handle it. Back to some ACTUAL funnies:

Here are 11 more related funny posts:
- tweets about washing your hands
- coronavirus funnies #1
- more coronavirus funnies #2
- more coronavirus funnies #3
- coronavirus memes #4
- coronavirus funnies #5
- coronavirus funnies #6
- covid-19 funnies #7
- coronavirus funnies #8
- coronavirus funnies #9
- coronavirus memes #10

As always, check out for more funnies. HAPPY WEEKEND!!


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