Week Three of Coronavirus

>> Monday, April 06, 2020

Lately, Monday's have become my "weekly update from home" posts: here's week one and here's week two. Below are my daily updates from Instagram from week 3 (March 30 - April 5):

Working on some two-wheel skills at the park today:

Day 15: cuddles, zoom meetings, training wheels OFF, and chocolate brownies made with black beans (surprisingly good!).

Day 16: woke Henry looking like this from a dead sleep at 9:04 a.m. #SummerVacationInMarch

I posted a video on Instagram of Charlie trying to start on his bike by himself. I said "Here's the FIRST (and only) successful unassisted start! (Not Dad-assisted, but still technically hill-assisted.)" Here's all the clips I took, with the last clip being the one I posted:

I gave him lots of coaching ahead of time. And between all the falls, I kept re-positioning one pedal to be ready to start the stroke while his other foot was meant to push off the ground. Sometimes he'd forget to push off. Sometimes it was entertaining. :)

Day 17: Charlie gave out backrubs as Henry did his homework, and a very timely delivery arrived. #RowRowRowYourBoat

Day 18: my first day of “remote” teaching. Soooo much work transferring these 2 classes online mid-semester. It’s been a crazy few weeks to get here. I settled into my “office” in my “work slacks” and “dress shoes,” and I left the boys containers of healthy snacks in the fridge. Mama broke in the new rower for an hour tonight as I made all natural* organic* no artificial colors* Galaxy Pancakes (with sprinkles and marshmallows). And Charlie had an evening Zoom meeting with his class for bedtime stories with his teachers. *Everything with an asterisk is clearly not true.

This was Thursday, and I had GREEN poop on Friday and Saturday. Charlie did on Saturday.

Day 19: I didn't post anything, but I posted this the following morning:

Loved the remarks by former student "A" in the middle. ;)

Day 20: some creek-jumpin’ and icicle-pickin’ at Hidden Falls (where the Mississippi is FAST and HIGH). Then Charlie joined me on the rower (as I was on my bike) and chugged an applesauce like I would an energy gel. Ended the day with Ella watching over a game of Skip-Bo.

My boys love Hidden Falls.

The tiny falls that makes the stream.

HIGH and FAST water.

She's feeling better!

Day 21: Ella is back to her(annoying)self! Had a drive-by Palm Sunday as Father Warren asked “how many ya need?” and then chucked 4 palms through my open window. #SocialDistancing Had a video date with the Kuglins, and then worked on more bike skills at the park.

Being her normal attention-starved self as I was trying to do some class prep.

My sis and niece on the bottom, and I think that pizza was my nephew.

This week is spring break for the boys (their REAL spring break), so they won't be having homework or class check-ins this week. That will be a nice change of pace. I think. I hope.


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