Thirsty (for knowledge) Thursday: a "Runner's Leg Workout"

>> Thursday, April 23, 2020

About 10 days ago, I tried this workout that popped up on my feed):

It's pro runner Rachel Schneider showing you a good "runner's leg workout" in her garage. Here's the warmup that you're supposed do twice:

Honestly, I don't do too much "explosive" leg work. I'm used to pretty slow burns, with no jumping. And I do just a LITTLE side-to-side work, so my hamstrings already got a little upset with the first set of the warm-up. And my right one is still a little tweaked today. Damn.

The main main set (circuit 2) you're supposed to go through 3 times from start-to-finish:

I didn't do the final "ice skaters" as the side-to-side stuff in the warm-up didn't go great. But I DID like the "lunge jumps." Those were fun. So try the video workout above if you're interested!

For more "Thirsty Thursday" posts that highlight workouts, body science, and all kinds of interesting information, CLICK HERE. And as always, back with some "Friday Funnies" tomorrow.


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