Semi-Wordless Wednesday: Henry's Long Ride

>> Wednesday, April 29, 2020

I posted one photo from this in yesterday's post, but I wanted to share a bit more. Henry and I went on a 9 mile bike ride last week, and I'm so proud of him! Here are a few pics:

Heading out.

Nearly 4 miles later, using the "bike ramps" to get onto the Hwy 5 bridge.

The Mississippi River, Historic Fort Snelling, and the sunset.

We went up the other side, past the Historic Fort, and into the big parking
lot. Here we are heading back with Fort Snelling right in front of us.

It was harder to go down.

Heading back down onto Hwy 5.

Along River Road for a bit, before turning for the last few miles down Cleveland Ave.

He was feeling a little rough over the last few miles. I had my Garmin on, and we topped out at an average of 11.7 mph about 3 miles into the ride (later we'd learn the wind was at our back as well), we were at 11.4 at the turn around, and we dropped all the way to 9 mph by the time we got home. He was pooped, but he was quite proud the next day. Nice job, buddy!


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