Weekly Swim PR

>> Saturday, November 30, 2019

Last week, I threw in an extra swim on Sunday being I knew that I'd be going for a bike ride on my "normal" swim day on Monday (in memory of college buddy Aaron who passed away 5 years ago). My training weeks go from Monday through Sunday, so I suddenly had 4 swims in the week:

Monday's swim was my current favorite swim (broken 400s and 200s as described in this post), Wednesday was drills (as I've been doing lately on Wednesdays), Friday was a pyramid swim, and Sunday was more broken 400s and 200s.

That's 9,350 yards for the week, when a few years ago, that'd be considered a normal MONTH of training. Back in 2010 when Coach Jen was training me for my only sub-60 TC 10 Mile, I once put in 9,050 yards in one week (3 swims that were around 3,000 yards each, which I think was my old weekly PR). And after that, I only had 1 month that fall/winter/spring (Oct until May) that was over 10,000 yards - the rest averaged 7,900 yards each MONTH.

But I've cut out running again. That run on the 23rd really flared up my heel/foot pain, so I'll go back to PT next week and tell her running is a bad idea. At least I'm swimming!


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