Instagram of the Day: Bike Ride Remembering a Friend

>> Tuesday, November 26, 2019

I posted this photo yesterday morning:

Caption: "5 years since losing a college friend. Jamey rallied the troops, and me, Alex, and Jordan joined him for a memorial bike ride. I can’t help but think that Aaron would’ve preferred more crude humor, but we just ended up talking about parenting, aging injured bodies, and the St. Paul trash fiasco. Miss you, buddy. #RIPBigPurm #Spiderman"

If you've been a long-time reader, you might remember the "24 Hour Relay for Aaron" that I did as a fundraiser for Aaron's wife and son after he died.

Here's the route we rode:

We met up at mile 1.5, rode the Greenway and along Hiawatha to a coffee shop
downtown (around mile 5), and then I came home alone along the river.

My foot injury kept the ride shorter for me. It was my first outdoor ride since August.

Then last night I Instagrammed some more:

Caption: "We’ve been “pregaming” Thanksgiving pretty hard over here in the last 24 hours: pork loin with spicy garlic, honey, and soy sauce glaze; wheat bread; butternut squash (the last from Mom’s garden) with oregano and thyme; an upside-down turkey with sage, thyme, and rosemary (all dried from our garden); and creamy garlic and rosemary mashed potatoes. #OurHouseSmellsAmazing"

Charlie thought the drumstick was TASTY. :)


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