Biggest Swimming Month EVER

>> Monday, December 02, 2019

On Saturday, I posted about my biggest swim week ever (at 9,350 yards), which just happened because I had to swap out a normal Monday swim for a Sunday swim because I had different plans on Monday. So I ended up doing 4 swims instead of 3 that week.

On Thursday (the third-to-last day of the month), I realized I had some great totals going for the entire month of November. I saw that any "normal" swim the next day would put me at a monthly PR. But that 2,600 yards would put me at 30,000 yards even. So that's what I swam.

Averaging 1,000 yards / day for the month. Nice. Clean.

Not only that, but it was a fast swim. It was my first 100s since getting injured in August. Back in early August, I had a workout of 100s with 0:20 rest averaging 1:26.8. And I had a few longer rests in there as the pool was busy and I was jumping around. On Friday, I had consistent rests, and I swam a 1:26.4 average for my 100s. It felt DRASTICALLY faster, but that's because I've been doing lots of SWIMMING lately, but nothing usually that short and fast. So it just felt great to go hard and fast for a while!

I have no plans to try to break that in December. In fact, I may take a break for a while as I'm toying with the idea of COMPLETE rest to try to heal up my foot. We'll see what PT says at my appointment later this week.


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