Another PR Swim

>> Saturday, November 16, 2019

Swimming is still going well. I pushed it in the pool a bit on Monday after learning that my MRI came back showing no tendon or ligament issues (more on that Monday) - I finally felt OK pushing off the walls "normally" without worrying about hurting/aggravating something in my foot. I did the broken 400s and 200s swim that I wrote about here. This workout allows me to get in decent distance without feeling like it drags on, and it's got some nice variety (and yet it's easy for me to remember without having to write it down and have it pool-side).

I compared a few version of this workout a month ago in this post, and my fastest version of this workout (start to finish) was 50:14. This past week, I was 0:19 faster overall, doing the workout in 49:55:

The difference in time in seconds (the change from Oct 7th to Nov 11th):

WU: +3

400: -4
200s: +1, -1
100s: -1, -1, -2, and even

200: -3,
100s: even, -1
50s: even, -2, even, and even

Kicking with board: +7, +2, +4, and +3

CD: -7

(My 400 was 6:20; and of my six 100s, 5 were 1:28, and 1 was 1:27.)

So the "swimming" part of this workout was faster, but then I was pooped (or just "gave up" a bit) when it came to the kick drills at the end of the workout.

Back with a big injury update on Monday. Happy weekend!


Catrina 1:27 PM, November 18, 2019  

Great progress! Looks like the steroid injection was a good idea.
Don't beat yourself up for being a shitty dad. You're not. In fact, I think you are an awesome dad to your two boys.

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