ALMOST a "Normal" Looking Week!

>> Saturday, November 23, 2019

Even though I've been hesitant, my "new" PT Jessie has been urging me to run a bit. She says at this point, it's better than taking it TOO easy and resting something that hasn't been helped much by resting. (I've vocally brought up my concerns, but she's telling me to run.) So last week FOR THE FIRST TIME IN 3.5 MONTHS, I had a week with a swim, bike, or run every day:

The swims were decent (with Wednesday being a little short because I was crunched for time).

The bikes were just 2 spins on the trainer, with a bit of effort on Sunday's spin (3 x [3 mins small ring / 3 mins big ring]).

And the runs were 3 x (3 min running / 3 min walking), so they were nothing impressive. But they didn't hurt my foot anyMORE than it was already hurting. So that's good... I guess.

This current week looks similar to last, but I'm not doing those spins. The arch in my "bad foot" got really tight after spinning last Sunday, so I'm not sure that's worth pushing yet. It's felt good (the arch at least) these last few days, so I might try a little ride on Monday.


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