PR Swim Year by Early November!

>> Thursday, November 14, 2019

I checked my swim yardage for the year yesterday, and I was just a few yards shy of 185,000 yards. My biggest year in the pool was 2018 with 178,577 yards. That means during my workout last Friday (November 9th), I crossed into "PR" territory for the calendar year with 7.5 weeks left to build mileage!

Totals so far. Biking was weak all along. Running was looking great until
my August injury. And then swimming went from "consistent" to
"coming on strong" (for me) as that was all I could do while injured.

I wasn't looking for it, but I just happened to notice that my "strength work" is already past 2018's yearly total as well. I surpassed last year's total a month ago on October 15 before our "8 state parks trip" during MEA. 2018 was my 3rd highest year of "time strength training," but I surpassed my previous PR year of 2017 (which was 232 hours) last Monday on November 4th. And as I mentioned (and sort of "proved") in last weekend's post, all of this ADDED and QUALITY strength training time has been paying off with moving more and heavier weights in the gym.

So these 2 things are the silver lining right now in an otherwise "injured" and "painful" existence.

I have some injury news to report soon (once I get it all figured out myself) as I just got my MRI results and a shot in my foot yesterday. I'll be back with that news on Monday.


Carolina John 11:07 AM, November 14, 2019  

Congrats Steve! That's quite a fun accomplishment

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