A "Country Run," and Another 20 Mile Week

>> Monday, December 24, 2018

My boys and I went "home" on Friday night for Christmas on my Dad's side on Saturday. My wife had to work this past weekend. (Healthcare... sheesh.) We sent her a selfie when I was about to tuck the boys in at Grandma's house on Friday night:

The next morning: "I'm gunna workout so I have muscles to play at Great-Grandma's house!"

Open country roads on my 6 mile run before lunch.

Out-and-back 6 miler running away from my hometown and then heading back.

Leaving my Grandma's house.

Pulling into our driveway 2 hours later.

That run put me over 20 miles for the week. Over a month ago, I posted about having 7 out of 11 weeks with over 20 miles of running (a stretch that started with the first full week of September). I had some knee pain so I backed off 2 weeks ago, but adding 5 weeks to that graph, I still have 11 out of the last 16 weeks with 20+ miles of running:

A nice stretch starting Sept 3rd.

Merry Christmas everyone!!


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