In a Solid Running Streak

>> Tuesday, November 20, 2018

No, no, no... I'm not a daily runner. That would kill me.

I'm in a good streak of 20+ mile weeks. Which is GOOD for me! 20+ mile weeks is what feels like ACTUAL running to me.

Back in late August, I had an old injury flare up, which made me concerned that the TC 10 Mile wasn't going to happen. But then it got better quickly (well, after I gave it a lot of attention and a little rest), and I had a 22 mile running week as the first full week of September. Then I had 2 back-to-back 17 mile weeks as I was taking it a little easy leading up to (and then right after) "One Last Tri" in mid-Sept.

Then 2 weeks of 20+ miles which was the week before the TC 10 Mile and the week of the TC 10 Mile. Then an easy week, followed by another 23 mile week after the TC 10, and then an 18 mile week the week of the Minneapolis Halloween Half Marathon 10K. And since then, it's been 3 weeks of 21-22 miles/week.

Graphed out, my weekly milage looks like this from that first full week of Sept through last week:

Seven out of the last 11 weeks have been over 20 miles, and the 4 under 20 were due to resting pre- or post-race.

Perspective: only 3 of 11 weeks before that had more than 20+ miles!

Let's keep this going!


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