A Hard Fast Swim!

>> Saturday, December 01, 2018

Yesterday I hit the pool for some speed. I've been feeling sluggish all year in the pool, so I busted out my "no minds" workout that ends with 5x100 ALL OUT.

It calls for a 1000 warm up, then right into 250 at "race pace" (with no rest - so 1250 straight), then a 2:00 rest, and then 5x100 every 4:00 (so LOTS of rest). The 100s should get slower as you go because they should all be ALL OUT.

Here were my average splits from the last times I'd done this workout, and all I really remembered from this as I hit the pool was that when I did this workout earlier this year, I averaged 1:17:something:

- January 2010: 1:22.6 / 100 average
- March 2010: 1:18.4 / 100 average
- January 2011: 1:18.0 / 100 average
- November 2013: 1:19.2 / 100 average
- May 2014: 1:21.3 / 100 average
- April 2018: 1:17.8 / 100 average

Bro-in-Law Matt, me, and my cutie from my "no minds"
swim post in March 2010
. We're BABIES.

I tell ya... that first 100 felt AMAZING. It's SOOOOOO fun to swim FAST when you feel "fresh." My first one came in at 1:14! And then they fell off from there (as they should if you're TRULY swimming "all out"). I wasn't as mentally with it for #4, and surprise surprise, that ended up being my slowest one:

- 1:14.49
- 1:17.42
- 1:17.64
- 1:19.11
- 1:18.61
- Average of 1:17.45 / 100

That's BARELY a PR over last time! And the other nice "PR" in this workout is it's the first time I kept them all under 1:20! (I usually had a few over, and my previous fastest last time had the last 2 over 1:20: the first was about the same as this time, the 2nd and 3rd were a bit faster than this time, but the last 2 were slower than this time. Whatever all that means.)

It's funny to see/feel that I'm a "different" swimmer each time I do this workout, but my times are similar. Last time, my warm-up 1000 and my 250 at race pace were 16:56 and 3:57. This time, they were 16:54 and 3:54. I may feel different each time, but I apparently have *my* speed.

Time to file this workout and maybe try it again late winter or as I'm getting ready for tri season to see where I'm at!


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