Two Weeks of Training Between Half Marathons

>> Monday, February 15, 2016

The Securian Winter Run Half Marathon was on Saturday, January 30th. Here's what the 2 weeks after that look like in my training long:

I took 2 days completely off, and then I got the blood flowing on Tuesday the 2nd with nearly an hour of "Spinervals" on the bike. Then I rested another day, and finally had my first run 5 days post-race on Thursday between classes. The legs felt good! Then 2 days later, I ran a bit farther (9.75 miles), and my calves were a bit achy, but generally OK. Finally, to end that week on Sunday the 7th, I actually GRABBED MY TRI BIKE AND WENT FOR AN OUTDOOR RIDE!

From my Instagram: "38 degrees and melting snow meant it was time for 28 miles."

So that first week post-race was all just rest and making sure my legs felt good enough to keep going. The second week post-race was about getting in some more miles before resting a bit this week (the third week post-race) because of another half marathon this upcoming weekend!

Last week, I got in a 5-day stretch of run, bike, run, bike, and run. Last Tuesday, it started with a long run between classes: 11.35 miles on a 10 degree afternoon. We just got a bit more snow, so I just weaved all over St. Paul looking for clear sidewalks or quiet back-roads to run on:

11+ random miles.

Wednesday I hit the trainer for more Spinervals in the morning, Thursday I went for an easy 6 mile run, Friday I just spun a bit easier on the trainer to "flush out" the legs, and Saturday morning I went for a 1-degree below zero long run: 11.93 miles with the middle 4.5 at "race pace." The run averaged 7:02s overall, and the pace miles were 6:34, 6:22, 6:24, 6:20, 3:06 (half mile) averaging 6:22 pace. (Notice that run was over a half mile longer than the one on Tuesday, but it was also 2 minutes faster.) I didn't get a totally frost-covered face, but I noticed I had a little ice build-up on my lashes:

MY LEGS FEEL GOOD! Just a little bit of (the usual) ache in my left calf/achilles.


Back in a bit with some thoughts for Saturday's "Half Fast" Half Marathon.


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