Half Marathon Garmin Data

>> Saturday, February 13, 2016

I finally got around to downloading my Garmin data (first time since the TC 10 Mile over 4 months ago). Here's what the Securian Run Half Marathon looked like 2 weeks ago:

I don't know WHAT that spike is around mile 0.5 - my Garmin has been giving me false bursts of speed near the beginning of my runs lately. But the little peak at mile 2 is real - that's where we ran down that 1-block long STEEP hill to get onto Shepard Road. And then you see me just banging out the miles. Overall, I'm surprised that the hills don't REALLY show up too much.

Here are 2 things near the end of the race worth noting:

First, in my race report, I note this guy (also named Steve) who came running up behind me REALLY fast with 2.5 miles left. I upped my pace and we ran together. Here's a zoomed in section of the last 5 miles of the race, and you can see the speed jump when Steve met up with me (in the red):

It's subtle, but it's the difference of 6:30-7:00 pace dropping down to 6:00-6:10 pace.

And second, here's what that NASTY final hill back into downtown looked like:

10:43 / mile! Ouch. The little slowdown after that was running up the SLIGHTEST hill next to the Farmer's Market, but at mile 12.5 of a half marathon, even the slightest hill affects your pace! Apparently.

Here's my race report, and here are some more photos. Back soon with some training numbers from the last 2 weeks (after the Securian Run Half, and getting ready for the Half Fast Half NEXT WEEKEND!).


Jumper 2.0 9:43 PM, February 14, 2016  

I'd be interested to hear your heart rate data too! Great race Steve.

Steve Stenzel 10:16 AM, February 18, 2016  

I'd be interested too, Jumper, but I don't wear a monitor. Dang.

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