Thoughts on This Weekend's Half Marathon

>> Thursday, February 18, 2016

I'm not familiar with the course, but I'm liking the fact that it's 2 loops:

We'll be running this twice for the "Half Fast" Half Marathon.

I guess I have 2 main race goals:

1. Keep good form and don't run so hard that something gets hurt/injured.

2. Start out a bit faster than at the Securian Run at the end of last month, and shoot for a better time (sub-1:26:51). I negative split that race by over 2.5 minutes, and I hope to be a bit more even at this race.

That's really about it. I noted that I had some calf pain 3 weeks ago in my final run leading up to the Securian Run Half Marathon, but I SUPER babied it for the 3 days leading up to the race and it was OK! Well, yesterday morning in my last run before the Half Fast Half this weekend, I had some calf pain. It wasn't nearly as bad as 3 weeks ago, but I'm going to do nothing but roller, stretch, and massage it between now and the race on Saturday morning.

Keep an eye on my twitter and/or my instagram page for updates on Saturday morning! HERE WE GO!!


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