Friday Funny 1055: An Office Job vs a Retail Job (and funny links)

>> Friday, February 19, 2016

It's been a over a month since I'd done this, so here are some of my favorite posts from my tumblr page:

Athletic-Related Funnies:
Every runner knows this.
[GIF] What a great idea for a rear bike light.
Diet tip.
It's important to stretch.
How can you tell if someone is a marathoner?
Health tip.
My thoughts when I start to eat healthy.
Everyone's at the gym.
Gym fail.
[GIFs] Inspirational weight lifting Granny.
Amsterdam doesn't f*ck around with it's signage.
Awesome sign at the gym.

Non-Athletic Funnies:
THEE best/dirtiest cartoon-related Valentine's cards.
Growing old.
Having friends: then vs now.
A horrifying childhood thought.
This is dumb, but it made me laugh so hard.
Are you lonely? Do you hate making decisions? This is spot on.
Politician joke.
Coffee sizes.
As a porta-potty lover, it's hard for me to look at this.
How to know if you've been taking drugs.
Oh man. This is so true.
Women's magazines. Sheesh.
Kyle seems nice.
The 4 stages of eating cheese. This is 10,000,000% me.
Finally, I'm not even joking: THIS is one of the best videos ever.

And as always, stop by for funnies all week long. Happy weekend!! RACING TOMORROW MORNING!!


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