Rest Day #5 and 6: Candy Store, Scarecrow Festival, and Farming

>> Tuesday, October 20, 2015

Last Friday, the boys and I met my sister's family and my Mom at "Minnesota's Largest Candy Store." Here are 3 quick photos from that, but you can see a lot more in a post on my "root beer" blog:

This is only about 20% of their soda selection!

Candy EVERYWHERE, and puzzles lining the ceiling.

I got 2 cases of assorted sodas, with 1 case being mainly root beer. Click here for more photos.

Then we went a few more miles down the road to Emma Krumbees and their "Scarecrow Festival." It was the 3rd year we've done that. Here are some pics:

My niece jumping off the haystack!
And that's my Mom, little Charlie, Henry at the top, and my nephew on the right.

Charlie hobbling around in his snowsuit. It was 45 degrees and WINDY.

My Mom and Charlie.


My sis and the 4 kids on a short tractor ride.

A goofy one!

My sister's pic on the hayride. See?... I was there too!



A "train" ride. My nephew has Charlie on his lap in front of me,
Henry's waving, and my niece is at the very front.

Our gang on the pirate ship!

The boys were both PASSED OUT before we could get back on the highway when we left!

We headed to my parents house. The plan was for me to help with tillage. But that didn't happen. On Friday evening, Dad was getting close to done with a field. On Saturday morning, he finished it (he wants to do that himself to get the edges right) and then started on a different field. And by the time the final field was started, it was nearing time for us boys to pack up and go, so I got NO time behind the wheel of a tractor. Dang. Well I tried. But Henry got to ride for a bit with Grandpa:

Grandpa finishing a round.

Henry and Grandpa pulling away.

Charlie reminds me of his other Grandpa in this photo!

Swinging in Grandma's backyard.

Helping Grandma make applesauce the next morning.

Visiting Mike (Pharmie's younger brother) and Brianna's chickens!

Charlie wanted to catch one SO BAD.

Chasing chickens through the garden.

Another day, another nap in the car over the long ride back home.

On the injury/rest front: I wore my calf sleeves all day under my jeans to (1) keep me warm when it was chilly, and (2) to help my calves. My legs felt good all of Friday and Saturday! (They were a bit achy yesterday.)

And after a big day Friday of hauling Charlie around at the candy store, Scarecrow Festival, and at Grandpa and Grandma's house, my forearm/elbow pain really flared up. It's still pretty angry from Friday. I *think* it's on the mend overall, but Friday was just a bit of a set-back.


Anonymous,  6:05 PM, October 21, 2015  

Good God Almighty, your sister is a doppelgänger. I feel much better about my man crush on you.

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