Friday Funny 988: Making a New Friend (at the TC Marathon)

>> Friday, October 02, 2015

This is a different sort of "Friday Funny," and it's timing is appropriate because this weekend is the TC 10 Mile and TC Marathon.

Over a year ago, I started chatting with this tall, skinny, 40-something runner from my Y. She was always there on a treadmill when I was there. We'll call her "L." Turns out she's pretty fast: a bit after we got to chatting, she went off and ran a 3:18 marathon. Nice.

L and her hubby.

I first mentioned my blog to L shortly after last fall's "Kitten Mile" because I knew she'd get a kick out of my race report. Since then, she'll sometimes *like* a post or leave a comment on a link on the Steve in a Speedo Facebook page.

One time after she liked something on Facebook, I thought I'd snoop through her profile. I wasn't her friend, but I was curious to see her boys, because we've shared lots of "raising boys" stories.

I got to one profile picture, and I laughed SO hard. I couldn't wait to tell L what I saw in her pic!

I found her back at the Y a few days later, and practically ran over to her. "L, do you know that I'm in one of your profile pics on Facebook?"

She gave me a sideways glance. "Are you in the background of one of my race photos or something?" she asked.

"Nope," I said. "I'm POSING with you, and our arms are around each other!"

L was stunned. "WHAT?!?"

Then I told her what pic it was:

That was back when my wife's family and I would cheer in farm animal costumes for the marathon runners. And that was 6 years before I knew L. I'm the chicken. Too funny! Her photo was captioned like this:

Here's links to lots of FARM ANIMAL photos from years past if you want to take a look: 2008, 2009, 2010, and 2011.

L's racing this weekend, but not at the TC Marathon. Good luck, L!

Stop back for updates on Pharmie's and my races tomorrow and Sunday. I'm doing the Loony Challenge (the 10K, 5K, and 10 Mile), and Pharmie's doing the ULTRA Loony Challenge (10K, 5K, and Marathon). My heel has really been acting up this week, and I saw Dr. Folske earlier today for some last minute A.R.T. work on it. He told me I can run through some pain on Sunday in the 10 Mile. Yikes! I'm worried!

I hope to have a quick 10K and 5K post-race update tomorrow afternoon, so stop on back! Happy weekend!


Shinianen 3:58 PM, October 02, 2015  

Good luck on the races! Unfortunately, on Sunday there will be no unicorn cheering for you at the 8 mile mark ... since I'll be "running" the race with you (and by running, I really mean I haven't done anything more than a 5 mile run in the last month, so I just hope to not die on course).

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