Friday Funny 995: Awesome Halloween Card (and funny links)

>> Friday, October 16, 2015

I'm getting this card for my wife:

Like I do every couple of weeks, here are a dozen of my recent favorite posts from my tumblr page:

Athletic-Related Funnies:

Why is he modeling next to this pool sign?
Wanting to run: the struggle is real.
He losers: you've at least won 1 race in your life.
Doing a plank.
You understand this if you like to workout.
My cat's training more than me these days.
At the gym.
Your smile has arrived.
[GIF] Sweet golf trick shot.
Fitness tip.

Non-Athletic Funnies:

This headline from "The Onion" is my life.
Relationship goals.
That back-fired.
Parenting sucks.
Some ideas for you for a sexy halloween costume.
Got a little kid? Here's a good halloween costume idea.
Modern romance.
Mini vans.
It's not a Sunday unless...
My fav.

And as always, stop by for funnies all week long. Happy weekend!!

Back with a new (cheap) recovery tool for the off season, and some notes on some REST for me soon.


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