First Ride on the New Bike

>> Saturday, October 31, 2015

A few days ago, I posted this photo on Instagram:

Caption from Instagram: "Took my new ride out for its maiden voyage yesterday,
and I MAY have gone out a little hot to see what she could do."


Devon commented back with "Va va voom!" Thanks friend.

I rode with a multi-tool in my back pocket, and I stopped to make some adjustments along the way. I need to REALLY crank down on the seat post or it slowly slips down. I also think I'll put my old saddle from Goldilocks on my new bike because it's a bit longer - I'm just *slightly* stretched out on my new bike.

Oh, and I think my new bike has a name now. Her name is "Eiffel." Here's why. The bike is Blue (both the brand and the color). Remember one of the worst songs from 1999? It was also called BLUE, and it was sung by a band called "Eiffel 65." So please welcome my new bike EIFFEL to the world!


Katie 12:50 PM, November 06, 2015  

I think you mean one of the BEST songs. Da ba dee da ba die. Welcome, Eiffel!

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