A Call You Don't Want To Get From Your Bike Shop: "Hi Steve. You're Frame Has a Hole in it."

>> Wednesday, October 14, 2015

I just got that phone call. Along with an email with this pic:

Damn it.

It's from the rim rubbing on my frame. No, my wheel is NOT that out of true. It probably happened while cranking on the trainer, and I wouldn't have noticed the extra friction/resistance. It could have happened anytime, but it was probably sometime from mid-Aug through mid-Sept when I was on my trainer a number of times (as shown in my last post). I don't think it was before that because I think I would have noticed it during a hose down and lube up before a race, and I last did that in early August.

The hole isn't anything to be worried about structurally, so that's good news. So I'm still able to ride Goldilocks.

Oh, and Goldilocks now has a slightly new look! Here's what she's looked like over the years:

2008 - 2010: plain (beat-up) black wrap.

Mid 2010 - early 2013: sea foam green wrap (shown in this post).

Early 2013 - late 2015: multi-color wrap by Sean (shown in this post).

Currently: more "mature" black and red wrap by Jared.

It's like she's finally matured. Early on, she was dressed "normally" like a baby would be by her parents. Then when the sea foam green struck, it was like she was a 4-year-old dressing herself for the first time. Then when she was multi-colored, it was as if she was spunky, rebellious, cutesy teenager. Now in her classic black and red, she's like a mature 30-something business woman. I guess I'll have to "take care of some business" on the race course in 2016.

Thanks for the overhaul, Jared at Gear West Bike and Tri!

Some good times on Goldilocks over the last 2 years with the multi-colored bar wrap.


T 7:40 AM, October 14, 2015  

aw. i *liked* the multi-colored bar wrap!

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