TC Kids Cross Country Fun Run

>> Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Saturday, Twin Cites in Motion hosted a day of cross country races for kids at Como Park here in St. Paul. Henry raced the 1-lap race (a half mile) with his cousin Evie:

Mama, Henry, Aunt Steph, and Cousin Evie.

Don't act so surprised... you knew this pre-race photo was coming.

Getting pinned by Mama.


Goofy cousins.

Evie's Dad (Uncle Jon) and I cheered near the starting line.

There were lots of wipeouts.

Our 4 runners!

Jon tried to give Evie a high-five...

... but Henry came back and stole the high-five...

... which led to Evie accidentally high-fiving the side of Henry's face!

Steph's reaction after witnessing the face slap.

Henry running off complaining about a sore neck.

All the kids half way through their race.

Mama's photo of Henry running with her.

We saw Evie and Steph first! (Even though Evie is younger
than Henry, she's been faster than him for a solid 2 years!)

Some high-fives...

... then off to the finish with about an 8:45 total time! (On the left.)

Henry and Mama were just a bit behind them!

Down to the finish!

Henry was swung around and man-handled by this giant furry.

Henry wants to wear his medal as a sash. #ThatsMyBoy

These 2 are hilarious.

Mama and Aunt Steph laughed at Shelly because he/she went down hard
during the race, and a bunch of Moms had to pull him/her back up! Stuck turtle!

There was a hula-hooping contest. Charlie saw the big kids doing it
and climbed right in to an abandoned hoop to do it himself!

Enjoying a box lunch with a hundred other families post-race!
(The 2 sisters with baby Charlie and baby Wes!)

So for $10 a person ($20 total for Mama and Henry), they both got a t-shirt, a medal, and we got 3 box lunches with PB&J, fruit, chips or pretzels, and a cookie. Heck-a-va deal!

Oh, and then that night, we had our church festival and had a great time:

Mama took this photo and captioned it "Like father, like son."

4 awesome words: father / son "Octopus" selfie!

He's excited, not terrified. Really. Trust us.


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