Final "Cinco Du" Thoughts, and Upcoming "Oakdale Du" Thoughts

>> Thursday, May 07, 2015

I don't have many closing thoughts for my race a the Cinco "Du" Mayo Duathlon that I didn't post in my race report. I had a decent race, was really happy with my bike effort, wished my runs were a bit faster, and ended up winning on a technicality. That's about it. After a few workouts this week, my legs felt pretty fresh again - that's the joy of doing a duathlon that only takes 54 minutes!

As I look forward to the Oakdale Du this weekend, I'm less stressed about it, but ready to suffer more. I'm less stressed because there will be a deep field so I have 0.00% chance of winning. (I knew I could be near the front at the Cinco Du, and that's a more stressful thought - #FirstWorldStress.) But I'm ready for Oakdale to hurt more for the same reason: I'll always have people in front of me, so I'll never be able to let up on the gas. I'll be focusing on putting forth a good effort throughout.

(SIDENOTE: I was talking with Leah [a speedy runner from the Y] the other day. She mentioned sincerely and emphatically "isn't that STRESSFUL leading a race?!?" I'm glad I'm not the only person who feels that way. She gets it. No need to feel sorry for me... Ha!)

My slight concern for Oakdale is that I'll run out of endurance. With a 3 mile run, a 14 mile bike, and a 2.5 mile run, it's sure not a long race, but I'll be racing about 33% longer than at Cinco. To "red line" for that much longer is enough time to really hurt. My workouts have not been long this spring, so I'm just slightly concerned.

Oh, and it looks like there will be a "race within the race" at Oakdale on Saturday. Do you remember this well-dressed friend from my "kitten mile" race report last fall?

He's going to be spectating at Oakdale, and rumor has it that he will "race" me through transition: he will see if he can chug a beer in the time between when my bike hits the rack and I get out of T2. It should be thrilling. Maybe this will help me focus on having a speedy transition time and not racking my bike directly on top of my shoes while getting stuck in my helmet like I did last weekend. Oops.


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