New "Grab Bag" Suits

>> Saturday, May 23, 2015

We use a lot. This is in no way an advertisement for them, and may end up being the opposite. They have a "grab bag" deal that's always pretty cheap for swimsuits: you pick the brand and "cut" of suit, but you DON'T get to pick the pattern, and you get whatever they send. It's cheap. For men's "jammer" length suits, you can get Sporti brand for $12, Nike for $19, and TYR for $24. (Those are the prices at this moment, but they have different deals all the time.)

I've had good luck in the past. Usually, it's something like a black suit with a colored panel on the side: I've had a pair that's had a green pattern, and a pair that's had a purple pattern on the side. No biggie.

I ordered 4 recently that just came in the mail. A TYR, a Nike, and 2 Sportis. It's always a little like Christmas when opening the box:

First pair: the TYR. Dark with some light blue accents. Nice.

Second pair: a patriotic pair of Nikes. Also not bad. (Originally a $52 suit, for $19!)

Then I pulled out my first Sporti suit. Oh Lord...


I know what you're thinking: "But you always dress so wild for races! What's the big deal?" I don't like to look "wild" in my day-to-day life. In fact, when I come home from races where I'm wearing something bright/crazy, I always cover it before getting out of the car because I don't want my neighbors to think I'm a whack-a-do. And I wear very normal things in my pool for training.

OK, but my final Sporti suit can't be any worse, right?...

Shit. TWO of those.

As if they weren't ugly enough, the "penis pouch" inside is bright purple. Awesome.

So look for me in one of these sweet (or not-so-sweet) "grab bag" suits in a local pool or lake this summer. I'll be hard to miss.

And if you're interested, try your luck with a "grab bag" purchase at Let me know what you get!

p.s. My wife reminded me of another awesome/horrible suit that her sister got from SwimOutlet 8 years ago. Here's her post with the horrible details. Swim Outlet actually saw that post and sent my wife and her sister each a free suit. Nice.


Steve S 2:38 PM, May 23, 2015  

I just last week got my latest grab bag jammers. Ugh. Checkered pink and red. Good god they're horrible.

Keith 4:24 PM, May 23, 2015  

I'm killing myself laughing. I generally go with one suit (usually black) till it dies then get another. A female buddy I'm coaching was encouraged to get a second suit, and then she went all crazy and got lots. Now she gives me the eye when I always show up with my shark teeth pattern suit. Maybe I'll try this grab bag thing. Maybe. I don't care what other people think. If she won't swim with me anymore, I'll blame you.

Unknown 8:23 AM, May 24, 2015  

Flesh color too!!! Yay!!! Maybe if you layer them it won't be that bad? Yea I know...yes it will!!

Unknown 6:50 AM, May 25, 2015  

...I think that even if it's the "grab bag" they should have sent two different sporti suits--seriously I'm sure there was more than one option in his size.

Sarah 12:02 PM, May 27, 2015  

The Shorti suit was clearly designed by an intern that someone felt sorry for... On the flip side- if you crap your pants in it, nobody will know. So there's that.


Shinianen 4:28 PM, May 27, 2015  

I second the above - a grab bag should never include 2 of the same suit. The bad suit ... it's the nature of the grab bag. But at least you should get all different ones.

jenez_world 2:39 AM, May 29, 2015  

i just looked at the swimsuit that pharmie got and it is fine. you need to check out the funkita website. that is all us aussies are into wearing these days.

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