Friday Funny 929: Weekends (and funny links)

>> Friday, May 29, 2015

Like I do every few weeks, here are a dozen of my recent favorite posts from my tumblr page:

Athletic-Related Funnies:

Triathlon. Truth. (And this goes for my duathlon next weekend too.)

[GIF] This is a special kind of fail.


But if I stop running...

Just workout.

[GIF] When I'm in the wrong exercise class.

[GIF] Pole skills. Whoa.


ALL OF US when it comes to injuries. AMIRIGHT?

[GIF - a velodrome start] Thanks for the push. Thanks a lot.

A great quote from Mia Hamm.

When someone asks what you're training for.

Non-Athletic Funnies:

My view on healthy food.

A failed PB&J sandwich. The text really resonates with me.

I would have had to ask the audience too.

Oh come on...

So your TV show ended.

The sexiest possible roll to get on a pair of sexy dice.

Umm, WHAT Batman?

A planetary pun.

Every commencement speech.

Adult cereals.

Weekend thoughts.

Winning an argument.

And as always, stop by for funnies all week long. Happy weekend!!

Stop back for a "Duathlon Nationals Course Preview" tomorrow. The race is in 8 days! Yikes!


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