Friday Funny 913: Odd Extreme Sports

>> Friday, May 01, 2015

Buzzfeed recently shared 10 extreme sports that you maybe haven't heard of:

1. Wall Trampoline

Great video here.

2. Bossaball

3. Flyboarding

4. Volcano Surfing

5. Jet Surfing

6. Skyaking

7. Parasledding

8. Rope Jumping

9. Extreme Ironing

This combines "the thrill of an extreme outdoor activity with the satisfaction of a well-pressed shirt."

10. Mountain Unicycling

Oh, and if you have some time to take some Buzzfeed quizzes, try these 2 that I took yesterday: "should you marry pizza or a person?" (which had me cracking up) and "are you more ketchup or mustard?" FYI: I got pizza and ketchup.

More funny things posted all day long on!


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