Semi-Wordless Wednesday: the Day After the Race

>> Wednesday, May 06, 2015

Sunday, my car didn't start. It would appear that the chip in one of my key fobs stopped communicating with my car (the remote start would work fine, but when I tried to put in the key and start it to drive away, the car would die). I wasn't planning on doing some "heavy pulling" on the bike the day after my race, but that ended up being the case:

"Car didn't start this morning. So I loaded the boys into the chariot and biked to the gym and grocery
store. Loaded up the chariot with 4 lbs of berries, corn on the cob, a watermelon, etc, and biked home.
All the berries made it! (Note the food packed under Charlie in the last pic.)"

"Oh, and Charlie was so passed out when we got home that he didn't wake up
when I took off his helmet. :)"

Later that day: "My life right now. #DadLife"

Stop back tomorrow for thoughts on my race this weekend.


Sarah 10:01 AM, May 06, 2015  

I have a picture very similar to this of my kiddo at age 6-ish, in only a Nemo safari hat and his skivvies, posing with a banana in one hand and a fake sword in the other.

He lives dangerously. Clearly.


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