Race Photos: A Contest

>> Monday, August 05, 2013

The race photos from Walker Athletic Photography are in from the Waseca Triathlon last weekend that both Pharmie and I did. And I think it's time for a little game: WHOSE RACE PHOTOS ARE BETTER?

Let's start with the swim exit:

I look sub-par, but my wife's struggling to get out of her wetsuit.
Steve: 1. Pharmie: 0.

Heading out on the bike: my aero helmet won't do any good if I'm looking down! Dummy.
Steve: 1. Pharmie: 1.

I was TRYING to give the "peace sign," but it looks more like
I'm doing the "I'm watching you" hand motion:

Steve: 1. Pharmie: 2.

OK, I took an early lead that I've since given up, but I think I can make up for it with some finishline photos. Let's jump there now:

Nearing the line: I could NOT catch 1st in my age group, but Pharmie held off an attacker.
Steve: 1. Pharmie: 3.
(At least we both have nice "floating" shots! Right?)

Hitting the line: she looks graceful and effortless, and I look like I'm holding back diarrhea.
Steve: 1. Pharmie: 4.

Pharmie just after finishing, compared to.....

.... OH DEAR GOD! This looks HORRIBLE! I need to lose 3 points for this shit!
Steve: -2. Pharmie: 5

And just for the hell of it, here's 2 more of me TRYING to catch 1st in my age group as we came to the line as I noted in my race report:

Well, that game sucked. It's a stupid game anyway.

p.s. If you didn't stop by this weekend, scroll down to check out my Time Trial report from when Matt and I did the "Tuesday Night Time Trial" last week. I actually have some more horrible photos from THAT race that I'll show in a few days...


Anonymous,  8:59 AM, August 05, 2013  

Dude, never stop your watch at the finish line! It always leads to photos like that

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