A Few Cool Waseca Triathlon Photos

>> Thursday, August 01, 2013

The "Waseca County News" posted some photos from the Waseca Triathlon on Facebook. I love this first one because it's a completely different shot than I'm used to seeing (or making myself) at a triathlon - I got one from the exact other angle because you can see people's faces and they are lit well by the rising sun, but this is MUCH more dramatic:

The roads are just that nasty for the first 3 blocks - then they are a lot better than that!

I think this is on the far side of the lake around mile 2. The run was
a few "city blocks" in town, and the rest was around the lake on this nice trail.

This 19-year-old was 9th overall in the 1/3 Iron Distace race. Strong finish!

In case you missed it, here's my race report, and here's an Examiner article about the race with more photos (including the "opposite" photo as the top photo above taken from the other side of the athletes).

p.s. Brother-in-law Matt and I did a last minute Time Trial on Tuesday night! More on that this weekend.


Carolina John 11:11 AM, August 01, 2013  

Wow those are cool pics! Looks like a beautiful day. Those roads are pretty overgrown for a road bike course, but it does make for a unique photo.

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