Training Numbers: First 6 Months of 2013

>> Monday, July 22, 2013

Henry, you write this post. I'm tired.

Thanks Dad. Go pick up my toys.

OK. So here's a bit about Dad's first 6 months of 2013:

SWIM: 41,750 yards. That looks like a big number, but swimmers will tell you this is shit. Still, Dad's been swimming more than usual - he's already swam more this year than he did in ALL of 2012. I like going to "Kids Care" at the Y, and that allows Dad to get in a swim. But they've all been pretty short: usually between 1500 and 2000 yards.

BIKE: 342 miles. (And 2 hours and 31 minutes on the trainer.) Only 2 rides have been over 30 miles (30 and 32 miles). This is pretty average for my Dad. He hates the trainer, and it was a LATE Spring this year.

BIKE WITH HENRY: 13 miles. Just 1 ride Dad? What the hell? Take me to the park, to the pool, to the library... let's ride more!

RUN: 452 miles. I thought this would be lower. Dad and I ran a TON last year, and it doesn't feel like he's been running as much this year. Sure, it's lower than last year at this time, but it's not too bad.

RUN WITH HENRY: 48.77 miles. (And 23 of those miles were way back in January.) That's FIVE TIMES LESS than last year! We logged over 240 miles together by the end of June last year, and over 500 miles together by the end of 2012. The big difference is that last year I was taking 2 naps a day, and Dad would often take me for a long run during my late-morning nap. Dad saw a LOT of this last year:

Man, I've slimmed down over the last 14 months....

So looking at Dad's numbers, here's my advice for him:
- Keep up the swimming. Short, hard workouts are fine if you're just planning on doing sprint tris.
- Bike a bit more. And TAKE ME OUT FOR MORE RIDES!
- Build up your running endurance for that September half marathon, and you'll be good. I'm OK not running with you as much this year. I like napping in my crib now.

Dad, am I done? My fingers hurt from typing. You take over again, and I'll go pee on the floor over by the fireplace. I'll blame the cats.

Thanks Henry. Last year, I was just swimming, biking, and running to "be fit." But I ended up winning the Grand Prix running series for the year because of the "nap schedule" Henry mentioned above - we got in a lot of longer runs together. This year (now that he's down to 1 nap a day), it's harder (impossible) to go for a long run with Henry in the stroller, so we've logged much much much fewer miles together.

Last year, I was surprised how MUCH we trained together.

This year, I'm surprised how LITTLE we've been training together.

But I guess that's life when you're training with a kid - it's kinda "go with the flow." There's only so much that can be planned out. Training is going OK overall... I'll just need to see if I can string some of this together into a decent triathlon or 2 yet this summer!


TriMOEngr 12:46 PM, July 22, 2013  

I'm surprised you let your little boy talk like that. :)

Just wait until you can leave him at home happily playing his PS3 (or whatever is "hot" at that time - that is what MY Henry does) while you go for a run/ride.

Erika 2:19 PM, July 22, 2013  

You can bike with the little tator to to Calhoun. I will take him - you go run. Then you bike back! Mini-duathlon and advice #2 and #3 checked off the list. :)

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