Final Midsummer Mile Photos and a Note from Race Management About it Being Short

>> Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Rob E put up nearly 300 photos from the race on Facebook. Click here to see his album (I think it's public). Here are just a few I want to share:

Melissa Gacek was the top female in 5:11 (adjusted to 5:22), and she made it look easy.
I'm in the background watching her zoom by.

Start of the men's race. We should have started about half way in between where we were
and the barricades behind us for an "official" mile.

Half a block into the race. I got a little "swallowed up." I need to start short races FASTER.

Same photo as above, with me pointed out. (I finished 12th, but started over twice as far back.)

Near the half-way point with me back there in this pack about to turn the corner.

Oh look: that's Jeremy to the far left getting ready to round the corner!!
He was happy to have stayed pretty close to me for the first half.

First and second coming to the finish (4:09 and 4:13 adjusted to 4:17 and 4:22)

Working to the finish.

Last photo from Rob of me finishing. I don't feel bad that I'm THIS cut off
because #407 is Rob's son - gotta make sure to focus on your speedy kid!

Yesterday, we heard from race management about the race being short. They apologized noting that it was the first year in this new location. They added this:

Everyone who completed this year's race will automatically receive $5 in Post Race Party Bucks for 2014. [They have burgers and food at a stand on the fairgrounds post-race.] In addition, we are working on establishing another one mile race. If we are able to get all of the necessary permits for this event, all finishers in the 2013 Richard A Hoska Midsummer Mile will receive a complimentary entry to this race. Please watch our website at for updates on the proposed new race, which will most likely be held in November.

That's just fine by me! I'm happy they acknowledged the distance issue (it was just 50 meters, but 50 meters is a lot in a mile race), and I'm very satisfied with $5 to the post race party next year along with possibly a free race this November.

Click here for my race report, and click here for my workouts leading up to the 1 mile race, and click here for the final explanation of the short course.


Evan Roberts 1:36 PM, July 16, 2013  

You ran impressively even splits. Not sure why you'd want to start faster, get into more oxygen debt and suck it up on the last "lap" :)

GoBigGreen 4:15 PM, July 16, 2013  

Steve I wonder if they would have ever known if it werent for your sleuth like photos and questions:) Good for you, the truth should be told:) haha not like anyone did it on purpose!

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