More Life Time Tri Photos and My Virtual Race

>> Saturday, July 21, 2012

KY and EH were snapping photos all day, and they got 2 of me at the Life Time Fitness Minneapolis Triathlon last weekend. Here's one of me hitting the edge of transition after the swim:

Not super happy with my swim time, but ready to ride!

And here's one just moments after I finished:

Nick also got a photo of me from the VIP deck. Here's a great photo of me finishing and hitting my watch:

(2:28 actual time)

Life Time Fitness has this new thing sponsored by CLIF called the "Clif Performance Planner." You can find it here. It can do 2 things:

1. You can select one of the many "Race to the Toyota Cup" races (LTF Tri was one of them) and plan your nutrition. It will tell you when to have what products based on your body composition and what you LIKE to consume during a race. (This would work if you're doing ANY Oly distance as well.)

2. If you've done one of the "Race to the Toyota Cup" races (so far just Philly and LTF Mpls), you can virtually watch yourself against the rest of the field. It's actually kind of cool. Until you realize where the leaders are on the bike when you're exiting the water. Maybe that's just me... :) But really, it's fun to watch my race at about 50x the regular speed. Here's a screen shot from when my red dot just finished the swim, and it shows blue dot A (Hunter Kemper) and blue dot B (Sarah Haskins) are nearly to the Franklin Bridge:

Also, it has THEE MOST USELESS DATA I've ever seen for a triathlon. But being I like numbers, it's still fun to see. It showed me how I ranked in Swim, T1, Bike, T2, and Run overall...

... and within my age group:

It showed where I ranked overall at each point in the race:

This one is actually kind helpful. My run pulled me from 220th in T2 up to 78th by the finish!

And the most useless bit of info is the "Fun Facts" page. Check this out:

So you're telling me I could have won the Athena 35-39 age group if I gained a little weight and had a sex change?

And that I'm the 2nd of 5 Steves?

And that I beat everyone named Adam?

Thanks. That's real helpful. (And a little funny.)

If you raced LTF (or want to try the nutrition planner), check it out here. And here's my race report if you missed it.


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