Friday Funny 12: Cheating In Sports

>> Friday, November 28, 2008

Cheating is becoming a MAJOR problem in professional sports. Just take a look:

And because it’s the day after Thanksgiving, I thought this graph was appropriate:

Finally, in a “Bed, Bath, and Beyond” ad that came this past weekend, Pharmie found this for me:

She wondered how this gift would be properly given. I think this is how it would go: “Here Honey, I’m too disgusted to shave your back anymore, so now you have to do it yourself, you hairy bastard. Merry Christmas.”


Mel-2nd Chances 7:47 PM, November 28, 2008  

LOL! Thanks! Now i at least have gift ideas! kidding. hope you had a great Thanksgiving.

MissAllycat 12:08 AM, November 29, 2008  

Nothing says "I Love You" like a Man-Groomer. :)

K 1:13 AM, November 29, 2008  

"Shave a man-o-lantern onto his back for xmas.. buy the back shaver by norelco"

joyRuN 6:21 AM, November 29, 2008  

Excellent! I'd been wondering what to put in dear hub's stocking.

Trishie 7:42 AM, November 29, 2008  

Ha, I thought this was going to be a post about Rosie Ruiz ... or about Duke basketball ...

Jim Smith II 8:01 AM, November 29, 2008  

From the looks of the picture, it does a pretty good job. No hair on that guy...

Jess 8:47 AM, November 29, 2008  

Oh my god, I know someone who really does need the "man groomer"!

Sonia 9:10 AM, November 29, 2008  

Is Pharmie trying to tell you smth with this ad LOL

Happy American Thanksgiving!!

Anonymous,  11:05 AM, November 29, 2008  

LMAO, seriously.

chia 12:04 PM, November 29, 2008  

I could never buy this for a man.

I would get drunk and try to use it on my ass.

Then surely forget to tell him.

Happy Belated Turkey Day!

Amytrigirl (aka Amybee) 3:38 PM, November 29, 2008  

Every one comments about the Mangroomer.

I, naturally, love the graphic of the pumpkin pie.

I will have to share that with my Hubby, who will only relate.

I, on the other hand, would have to do a graphic of birthday cake. (I'm not much on pie).

I have been slowly chipping away at the leftover cake all week. It looks like one of those little handheld game gizmos where you have 8 squares that slide around a base(the space for the 9th square is empty allowing the slidding).

Slide, slide, slide and try to get numbers to align, or a picture of a clown to actually look like a clown or .... you get the drift.

Cake rocks.

Happy thanksgiving to you and Pharmie.

Missy 4:16 PM, November 29, 2008  

Thank God the pie is all gone at my house, jeeze! I'm buying a case of the mangroomer and taking that as the dirty santa gift to the masters swim Chritmas party, perrfect.

Frayed Laces 5:31 AM, November 30, 2008  

But, if you get this, we won't have any more chest waxing videos!

Marci 7:39 AM, November 30, 2008  

Hillarious... as always!

Looks like you are enjoying your post Turkey Day meal!

Julie B 5:08 PM, November 30, 2008  

Now there is one thing I don't have to be concerned about in Ultrarunning: Cheating. There is no money invovled; therefore, no cheating :) Happy Thanksgiving

triguyjt 5:21 PM, November 30, 2008  

I want one of those back thingies,......

that would be awesome....

ShirleyPerly 9:19 PM, November 30, 2008  

HA, I thought for sure you were going to include that photo of the guy wearing fins at IMFL (but then again, he wasn't a pro and that was real).

The man shaver cracks me up!

Aka Alice 10:41 PM, November 30, 2008  


Between yesterday and today...that is some funny shiz. Thanks!

Anne 9:18 PM, December 01, 2008  

So that's how come they're so fast these days.

CoachLiz 8:43 AM, December 03, 2008  

I saw that Man Groomer thing and I was appalled that any person would buy that as a Christmas gift.

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