Friday Funny 10: Political Goodies

>> Friday, November 14, 2008

Ten days ago, the political ads went off the air. And I KNOW you’ve been missing them. But here in MN, there’s still a CLOSELY contested Senate race that will be raging for the next few months, so we have plenty of political coverage to go around.

So, to share the wealth, here are some Funny Political Images:

And if you want to run intervals with a BUNCH of us tomorrow morning, check the details at the end of the last post. We’re meeting at 9 am on the University of St. Thomas track in St. Paul. Right now, there are going to be 8 to 12 of us! I so flippin' excited! A few things to note:

- You can get onto the track on the east side.
- Bring extra clothes; it’s easy to shed a layer and leave it on the infield.
- Bring a bottle of water if you drink like a camel (which I do).
- Because it's the weekend, you can probably park in the lot just south of the track (Lot H) even though your not supposed to, or you can park on the street very close to the track.
- I'll bring a camera, so don't be ugly.

If you haven’t voted for me yet, please go here and cast your vote for Steve in a Speedo! Thanks! I’ll be back tomorrow with photos from our big interval workout. Happy Friday!


Michelle 4:59 AM, November 14, 2008  

YAY First!!

Funny stuff Steve!! Now i want a puppy!!

Have fun this weekend at the track!! Definitely post photos!!

RunBubbaRun 5:36 AM, November 14, 2008  

Funny stuff man..

I would meet you at the track, but that is to much work. Plus not sure if I could see you in your shorties. Not sure if I could control myself.

teacherwoman 6:07 AM, November 14, 2008  

Oh the wife swapping one is hilarious. Gross, but hilarious!

Unknown 7:00 AM, November 14, 2008  

The distance was the only thing keeping me from joining you guys tomorrow at first. Now the whole ugly thing. Man, I just can not win.

AddictedToEndorphins 7:45 AM, November 14, 2008  

Funny funny stuff. I can always count on you to make me laugh:)

sRod 8:14 AM, November 14, 2008  

That McCain 300 years one almost made coffee come out my nose!

Oh and the "I'll have a camera, so don't be ugly" comment. Love it. You should have a t-shirt with that.

richvans 9:37 AM, November 14, 2008  

I was right there with you running intervals - until you got to the ugly. Sorry I didn't make the cut (and I don't run intervals anyhow). Enjoy!

tfh 9:52 AM, November 14, 2008  

"I'll bring a camera, so don't be ugly" is always how I feel before a race where I know there will be a pro. photographer. So stressful! Have fun running intervals.

RooBabs 11:15 AM, November 14, 2008  

Maybe I'm just to sensitive, but that puppy note was so sad- especially that picture. Oooohhh.

The other stuff was pretty funny, though. My fave was the "you're shittin' me" because the Hubs sometimes says that for shock value.

And hot tub pics are now posted!!

Sarah 11:26 AM, November 14, 2008  

Can I adopt that puppy! poor thing!

K 11:30 AM, November 14, 2008  

Love the McCain sacrifice one.. Perfect..

Mel-2nd Chances 12:19 PM, November 14, 2008  

Thanks for being my 1000th! :) and i still haven't stopped laughing at your comment! Sorry about the lady parts! LOL I think you should win for best endurance blog and comments! :D Have a great weekend.

Chic Runner 1:02 PM, November 14, 2008  

I confessed my love for your blog on my post today. ha ha. and put up some pictures that maybe will get you some more votes! :) Good luck! :)

Amy - the gazelle 1:35 PM, November 14, 2008  

awwww- sad puppy!

And I think the McCain sacrifice was supposed to be funny, but instead seemed both creepy & plausible.

Anonymous,  2:37 PM, November 14, 2008  

Full sentences at the white house? With proper grammar as well? CRAZINESS!!!

Lisa T 3:30 PM, November 14, 2008  

Apparently Pres. Bush spelled Battleship for that poster!

I'm voting for you just because you said, "I'll bring a camera so don't be ugly." I wish the photographers at races would give me some sort of warning so I could try to look like I'm actually moving in my photos!

Dori 7:37 PM, November 14, 2008  

I voted! Apparently groveling is very effective, because you're doing very well. :-)

Amytrigirl (aka Amybee) 10:18 PM, November 14, 2008  

hey Steve:

I just saw your comment regarding Speed Work at the track.

I've been a bad blogger and haven't checked anybody's post in a while... so I'm too late to respond or to go meet you guys tomorrow.

I'm meeting Natalie (MN Runner)-- she hasn't run in a while, so we are going to go out to get her legs moving again.

I'd love to do some speed work with you, Pharmie and the rest of the folks after Thanksgiving.

I'm sure we can convince Nat to come along too!

Aka Alice 10:44 PM, November 14, 2008  

You are a funny guy.

Sorry you had to fail the good student. Remember, it's not you who failed him, he failed himself (you know that)...

Once again, bar graphs explain all... :-))

Marci 5:38 AM, November 15, 2008  

Hillarious... hehe :)

ncrunner12 6:46 AM, November 15, 2008  

Priceless pictures my man... enjoy the intervals today.

KK 1:26 PM, November 15, 2008  

good stuff. hope the intervals went well!

SingletrackJenny (formerly known as IronJenny) 1:47 PM, November 15, 2008  

dang! I didn't check your blog and missed the track workout. I hope you host another one - I'd be up for that.

Anonymous,  9:04 PM, November 16, 2008  

Hillarious man! I like the DEBATE one. Is the palin pic with the diff shoes real? Lol

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