Henry's First Race Report: the Twin Cities in Motion "Toddler Trot"

>> Monday, October 07, 2013

Henry did 6 races "inside" of Mama (TC Marathon, Winter Carnival Half Marathon, Polar Dash 10K, Get Lucky 7K, TC 1 Mile, and the Grand Ole Day 5K), and he did 3 races with me (Lake Johanna 4 Mile, Fast Before the Feast 10K, and another running of the Lake Johanna 4 Mile).

But Saturday was his FIRST RACE BY HIMSELF. Kinda.

Saturday was a damp day:

Pharmie and Henry walking along the TC 10K course.

The Cathedral in the distance.

We went out for breakfast pre-race:

Grandma and Henry's cousin Evie enjoying breakfast at the New Louisiana Cafe.

Henry happy with his treats from Grandma!

We got down to the race, and Henry was talking about racing the whole time: "Henry run and people cheer for me." "Mommy and Daddy say 'GO HENRY!'" Pharmie started saying "Jeez, maybe we should have signed him up for the 1/2 mile run and not the 50 yard Toddler Trot." He was PUMPED to race, and we thought he'd have a great time!

We were wrong. Oh so wrong.

Pharmie pinned on Henry's number:

Evie and Henry ready to race!

Pre-race with Grandma.

Evie's race was first. She took the lead right out of the chute!!

Still a pretty tight race!

Taking the lead nearing the finish (on the far right)!




Evie WON her heat easily! Congrats Evie!!

Henry was up next. Here's a shot that a friend got from the finish line looking at the start of his heat:

Close-up of the last photo. Henry's already starting his meltdown.

Henry's literally the last one in his heat. Everyone else had finished by the time I took this photo.
Annie and Evie jumped the fence to run with Henry thinking that would help. It didn't.

"Uppie, uppie, uppie, uppie!"

Nope. I'm just gonna sit down right here.

Nope. Sitting down again.

Mama giving in and carrying Henry the rest of the way.

Henry getting his medal even though Mama did the vast majority of the work.

The 3 of us post-race.

Oh, I also spotted THIS guy who wins the award for "Daddy-est Dad" for wielding a video camera and a point-and-shoot at the same time:

Why did Henry have a pre-race and mid-race meltdown? I think this is why:

He passed out pretty quick post-race (still wearing his medal). Too much stimulation all morning.

Back with more from the 10 Mile and the Marathon shortly! Hope everyone had a good weekend!


Amytrigirl (aka Amybee) 8:44 AM, October 07, 2013  

you know Steve, we all have a bad race now and then. This is not the future of all of his races. I predict lots o' medals and trophys in his future. Oh, and some awesome race wear too.

SteveQ 11:05 AM, October 07, 2013  

You learn more from DNF's. I'm sure Henry's already planning his next race.

Shinianen 11:10 AM, October 07, 2013  

Best race recap ever! I love his confidence pre race.

GoBigGreen 12:09 PM, October 07, 2013  

OMG maybe he senses that you cant run. Dad cant run, Henry cant run. End of story! Glad he got a good post race nap:)

Unknown 3:48 PM, October 07, 2013  

That is perfect for you guys! Lol! I had to carry my son for my daughter's first race. It was supposed to be his too.

Then, just last week, I had to carry my son AGAIN (now 5), so I could illegally pace my daughter in cross country. She's not super fast, so I was mostly just bringing in the back of the pack.

Ah, the memories. You'll look back and love it.

Cinthia 4:28 AM, October 14, 2013  

I love this! I love Henry and the fact that he sat down during the race. What a rebel spirit (you go, Henry!). He's gonna be a runner for sure, probably trails and ultras, where he can do his own thing and not be restricted by so many rules and so many people. Cheers to all of you.

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