A Swimm Chalengee From A Jerck

>> Saturday, October 26, 2013

Me justt gotten this:

ProTirathlete Devon Plamer postted this on his BloG:

My fremesis Steven Stenzel has been unusually unruly on the Twitter as of late. He has fired off several churlish and libelous tweets and even a few that are awkwardly lascivious. The lil fella probably has some pent up energy as he recently injured himself to sabotage our own duathlon relay attempt. Since his legs are essentially useless and he has all that energy I am curious if he would be interested in a swim challenge. I would swim a 500 and we would agree upon a suitable shorter distance for him to swim. This would be done from a push start and we would be pulling with paddles. At least I will be. A time, date, pool, and exact terms would have to be negotiated. If someone can read this to him (I have heard that despite his frequent tweeting and blogging he is actually completely illiterate) please let me know what he says. Thanks.

Time four me to get to swimmmming more then 3 thymes / month. It's on like Mario Kart.

PS: "Hooked on Fonics" workd for mee! (These priveight gramer tudors have been payying of!)


Unknown 11:09 AM, October 28, 2013  

I see two men in speedos, on the side of a YMCA pool, staring each other down, friends lining each side, while the opening bass beats of "Beat It" play over taunting chants.

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