Friday Funny 601: a "90s Runner Problem" and Funny Links

>> Friday, October 11, 2013

Sweet TC Marathon tattoo that a friend got!

Finally, here are some of the most popular posts from the last 2 weeks from my tumblr page:

Athletic-related funny things:

Don't forget "leg day."

[GIF] This is how I'd run hurdles.

[GIFs] This "hard body of the day" can do amazing things. Whoa.

Speaking of "hard bodies of the day," here are some women with nice abs.

A "treadmill minute" sucks.

"Real" runners.

[GIF] Try THAT again...

A warning about exercise.


I've ridden in some nasty conditions, but nothing like this.

Basketball vs hockey vs soccer.

Non-athletic funny things:

As a man, I'd be insulted if it weren't just so true.


A batman pun.

That's low. Funny, but low.

This 6th grader has it all figured out. #Bacon

Periods. I hear they suck.

There's a dirty innuendo in here. You've been warned.

EVERYONE should wake up to this.

Favorite "F" words.

Getting to the point about pooping.

[GIF] How to open a beer with a frisbee.

Nerdy X-Men comic.

Homer Simpson on alcohol.

Bert is a little kinky.

The moral of Breaking Bad.

A good halloween costume idea.


The real reason most men want to have kids.

The evilest thing ever.

Remember, check out often for funny stuff.

Oh, and check back next week for a $150 shoe giveaway!! Happy weekend!


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