Free Shoe Giveaway from OnlineShoes and Patagoina

>> Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Let's cut right to the chase: OnlineShoes is letting me giveaway any pair of Patagoina shoes from their website to any reader of mine! How sweet is that?

They just sent me a pair of Patagoina Banyan Lace Hemp for me to review and try out:

My wife said they look good and "teachery" and that they'd be great to wear to class. Here they are on me:

They have great traction (something some "nicer" shoes don't have), they fit well, they look good with jeans, but they have minimal support, so I wouldn't want to be on my feet all day with them on. But because of the minimal support, they're about the lightest pair of shoes I own! Overall, they're pretty great!

For the LADIES, they're promoting these 4 shoes for the giveaway:
- Tin Shed Rider ($230 boots)
- Fore Runner Evo ($120 running shoes)
- Fitz Sneak ($100 "sporty" shoes)
- Maha ($100 cute flats)

And for the FELLAS, they have these 4 shoes for the giveaway:
- Banyan Lace Hemp (my $140 "teacher" shoes)
- Maui Chukka ($115 "dressy" boots)
- C-Street Lace ($90 board shoes)
- Advocate Stitch ($70 microfiber slip-on)

If you win, you can pick from one of the 8 pairs above, or you can choose from ANY of their Patagonia shoes (up to $150)!!! They have nearly 150 shoes in that link above, and only 26 are over $150, so that leaves over 120 pairs for to you choose from for this giveaway!


• To be entered into the Patagonia Shoe giveaway, just leave a comment! That's it. You're entered.

• To get your name in the hat a 2nd time to try to win some free shoes: follow me on twitter, and send out this tweet:

Check out the @OnlineShoes_com SHOE GIVEAWAY on @SteveinaSpeedo's blog! -

• To get your name in the hat a 3rd time to try to win some free shoes: you'll have to "like" Steve in a Speedo page on Facebook (if you haven't already), and then find the status that says "I'm giving away $150 in shoes to OnlineShoes! Go to my blog to be entered, but LIKE this status for another entry!" Then "like" that status for another entry!!

(So, for example, if there are 100 comments, 50 tweets, and 30 likes, the comments will be assigned numbers 1-100, the tweets will be 101-150, and the likes will be 151-180. Then I'll pick a random number that will correspond with a new winner! You could have your name in all 3 "hats" to better your odds!)

Legal junk:
- Open to residents of US. Sorry America's hat Canada.
- Just like in all of my giveaways, I've only been sent a pair of shoes to try out; they have not asked, told, or bribed me to say anything else in this review. All of these thoughts are my own.
- When you leave a comment, please "sign" your name if you don't have a blogger account, otherwise it will be hard to figure out who you are if you're the winner. For example, say something like "It's Steve S. from St. Paul. Gimme shoes!!"
- I'll assign all entries a number (for the blog comments, tweets, and likes) and then use (or other random number generating scheme) to pick a winner at random.
- If I can't get a hold of the winner in 3 days, I'll re-draw for a new winner(s). So make sure to CHECK BACK in about 10 days!

Comment now (and maybe tweet and like to better your odds) to try to win some shoes!! Do it now, as the giveaway will close on Sunday, Oct 20. And I'll be back to announce a winner sometime mid-week next week (around the 22nd through 24th). Thanks for the giveaway OnlineShoes!!


BE 7:42 AM, October 15, 2013  

Papa needs new shoes

BE 7:42 AM, October 15, 2013  

Papa needs new shoes

Aaron Gregerson 7:46 AM, October 15, 2013  

Daddy needs a new pair of shoes. I'm in!

Lisa,  7:49 AM, October 15, 2013  

Love your blog. Love that you have such nice giveaways. Bummed that these companies don't recognize the "world" in WWW and don't realize that I can buy from their site even if I don't live in the US (or not, as the case will be).

Steve Miller 7:52 AM, October 15, 2013  

I never win anything, but it can't hurt to try.

S Scarboro 7:54 AM, October 15, 2013  

Great giveaway, I could certainly use a new pair of shoes for work.
Stacey S

Dana 7:58 AM, October 15, 2013  

Woohoo! Awesome giveaway!

Laura 7:59 AM, October 15, 2013  

I would love to win a new pair of shoes!

Sue's Ramblings 8:12 AM, October 15, 2013  

Your wife is right! It's very "teacher-ish"!

Stu 8:13 AM, October 15, 2013  

I always need new shoes.

Kacey 8:22 AM, October 15, 2013  

I'll throw my hat in the ring!

Our Hope 8:23 AM, October 15, 2013  

Thanks for the giveaway!

Travis 8:37 AM, October 15, 2013  

Heck yeah - slick shoes! :o) (props if you get the Goonies reference)

Megan 8:37 AM, October 15, 2013  

Those are all adorable. Yes, please!

Brad 8:37 AM, October 15, 2013  

I just told my wife yesterday that I really need a new pair of dress casual shoes so pick ME!

And FYI... when I liked your FB post, it told me to like Meb Keflezighi because he was similar to you. Didn't realize you were in that kind of company, did you?

Stefanie 8:41 AM, October 15, 2013  

Free shoes would be an awesome reward for my IMFL Training! Stefanie

Chris Simen,  8:43 AM, October 15, 2013  

I like shoes!

George Fulp,  8:52 AM, October 15, 2013  

Your new garage looks like a church...and nice shoes.

Anonymous,  8:57 AM, October 15, 2013  

One can never have enough shoes!

Jennifer 8:59 AM, October 15, 2013  

Love those boots! Tweeted and "liked" too!

nrmrvrk 9:01 AM, October 15, 2013  

Not so much for their casual shoes but there are a few pair of running shoes that I'd like to try out.

Shinianen 9:06 AM, October 15, 2013  

Wahoo! Enter me, please! :-)

Dona Abel,  9:07 AM, October 15, 2013  

It's Dona Abel from Illinois and I need a new pair of shoes!

Christine 9:08 AM, October 15, 2013  

woooo to the hooooo! I love shoes!

runningtwig 9:14 AM, October 15, 2013  

I love Patagonia! Yay shoes!

RW 9:17 AM, October 15, 2013  

i love shoes! i love free stuff!

Erick 9:23 AM, October 15, 2013  

Please help me fight plantar fasciitis with a new pair of shoes.

B. Kramer 9:32 AM, October 15, 2013  

I could use some new shoes. Pick me!

Kris 9:48 AM, October 15, 2013  

Love some new shoes! Thanks for the giveaway!

Anonymous,  10:08 AM, October 15, 2013  

Eric V. - nice giveaway.

Mary V. in Crystal,  10:09 AM, October 15, 2013  

Great giveaway! Thanks and count me in, please.

Steff 10:23 AM, October 15, 2013  

Ooh, nice giveaway! I like your shoes!

Tap 10:30 AM, October 15, 2013  

I'd love some new shoes!

Lindsay 10:44 AM, October 15, 2013  

Oh my gosh - those boots. I NEED them.

Unknown 10:48 AM, October 15, 2013  

I'm digging those Chukkas

Kristin,  10:55 AM, October 15, 2013  

Me me me! I need some new shoes.

Carolina John 11:06 AM, October 15, 2013  

Cool man! I wanna new shoes. I'll tweet and like when I'm not at the office.

Kimberly 11:21 AM, October 15, 2013  

I want those boots, please. Thanks.

Anonymous,  11:34 AM, October 15, 2013  

This makes me think of that pick up line: nice shoes, wanna... go out for pizza? :-)

Siri 11:43 AM, October 15, 2013  

Awesome! Throw my name in "Siri Thompson"

Robyn 11:51 AM, October 15, 2013  

Thanks for the giveaway! And, good lookin' shoes you got there!

traildiva 12:04 PM, October 15, 2013  

I like shoes. I like free shoes even more. Thanks for the contest!

kristin 12:42 PM, October 15, 2013  

Shoes! Awesome! Thank you!

Julie D 1:15 PM, October 15, 2013  

My feet hurt, so I can always use new shoes.

latanya t 2:33 PM, October 15, 2013  

I would love some new shoes

dlatany at gmail dot com

Hugh 2:37 PM, October 15, 2013  

Teacher shoes, sign me up.

whytri 3:12 PM, October 15, 2013  

My current pair of Patagonias need a friend! Sign me up!

Jody 3:38 PM, October 15, 2013  

Yeah Shoes! Go Steve!

Heather 3:39 PM, October 15, 2013  

I liked you on facebook and I liked your post. Don't know if I need to post that here also. Also the stuffed cat, Waxy Elgato, liked your facebook page and your post. But he doesn't wear shoes so I should get two extra entries!

Anonymous,  4:00 PM, October 15, 2013  

Sounds like an awesome giveaway! Comment on blog: check. Tweet sent: check. Facebook like: liked! Thanks, Melanie P. in PA

Wehaf,  4:15 PM, October 15, 2013  

I'd love some new kicks!

urchiken at gmail dot com

Wehaf,  4:15 PM, October 15, 2013  

I'd love some new kicks!

urchiken at gmail dot com

Amanda 4:20 PM, October 15, 2013  

Nice! I can always use a new pair of shoes.

Bwvtrindy 4:37 PM, October 15, 2013  

I need a pair of teachery, shoes for work.
Rob in Indy

Unknown 4:39 PM, October 15, 2013  

I hope they have one for aquajogging!

Jen from Maryland,  8:07 PM, October 15, 2013  

Love! My shoemaker's elves got furloughed so I'm in need of these shoes!

Amy,  8:23 PM, October 15, 2013  

Pick me, pick me!

Unknown 8:35 PM, October 15, 2013  

Thanks, Steve, great opportunity!

Queenie 9:24 PM, October 15, 2013  

I can always use another pair of shoes!

Unknown 9:36 PM, October 15, 2013  

Dude, I love shoes. I wear some form of them every day. I'll take a shot at winning some. I'll go to facebook too for another shot.

Julie Peterson,  9:48 PM, October 15, 2013  

Thanks for the shoe giveaway offer!

Cheryl,  10:02 PM, October 15, 2013  

I want these shoes! They look amazing.

Westplex Runner 10:15 PM, October 15, 2013  

Daddy needs a new pair of shoes.

Steel Springs 10:15 PM, October 15, 2013  

Great giveaway! I'd love a pair of those shoes. Thanks!

Holly 10:19 PM, October 15, 2013  

Patagonia has some great shoes, digging the Kula Buckle boots!

Sarah 11:02 PM, October 15, 2013  

What's NOT to love, Steve-O!?

Julie Anderson 11:24 PM, October 15, 2013  

I'm in there like swimwear :)

Lori 11:36 PM, October 15, 2013  

I like the boots. :)

Chris S from Jax,  4:58 AM, October 16, 2013  

New shoes -always useful!

Andy 5:49 AM, October 16, 2013  

My feet need new shoes!

TriMOEngr 6:40 AM, October 16, 2013  

Saw these on FB first so already "liked" it over there, but here is my comment for this entry.

Cara 8:15 AM, October 16, 2013  

What a great giveaway! Who would refuse new shoes?

Jan 8:16 AM, October 16, 2013  

Mamma needs some new shoes!

Lynn 9:00 AM, October 16, 2013  

Awesome giveaway! Love the Tin Shed!

Lynn 9:01 AM, October 16, 2013  

Follow and tweeted

Lynn 9:02 AM, October 16, 2013  

Liked you and your status
Lynn B

Sanjiv Gupta 10:01 AM, October 16, 2013  

Daddy needs a new pair of shoes

Unknown 11:40 AM, October 16, 2013  

Nice shoes! They all look pretty comfy!

Jean Kracke 9:36 PM, October 16, 2013  

Those Tin Shed Riders look great. Sign me up.

PWickman 6:45 AM, October 17, 2013  

Sign me up! Thanks, Steve!

Merrilee 7:51 AM, October 17, 2013  

Ah Steve, good that you're an art guy/runner and not a spelling teacher. Unless Patagoina is the knockoff stepsister of Patagonia? lol. You rock regardless!

Deb G,  10:00 AM, October 17, 2013  

Once for me! Pick me please

Kate Kohls 10:18 AM, October 17, 2013  

This is awesome! I am happy I found your site.

AElliott 12:16 PM, October 17, 2013  

Love me some Patagonia shoes!

Amy Lynn 12:18 PM, October 17, 2013  

Thanks for the giveaway. Patagonia makes awesome shoes!

Amy Lynn 12:19 PM, October 17, 2013  

I follow you and tweeted

Katie 12:57 PM, October 17, 2013  

Shoes for me if you pick me
So pick me, kind sir.

Molli F-L,  9:02 PM, October 17, 2013  

Yay shoes! And, since I never comment, great blog! You always crack me up!

Anonymous,  9:37 PM, October 17, 2013  

Papa needs a new pair of shoes. :)

Viator 10:33 PM, October 17, 2013  

Reichenberger's nobody's papa that I'm aware of. Now I, on the other hand, find most of my discretionary income these days going toward buying pink ephemerata for my daughter. You feel my pain, don't you Steve? (wink wink, nudge nudge)

Ben in St. Paul

Corey Singletary 8:58 AM, October 18, 2013  

This is the only way I can afford Patagonia shoes.

Anonymous,  9:36 AM, October 18, 2013  

I want some sweet Patagonia shoes :)

MeghanPags,  11:22 AM, October 18, 2013  

I could rock a pair of new Patagonia's better than a chiahuahua in a knit sweater.

Jesse 11:36 AM, October 18, 2013  

Patagonia makes some awesome shoes!
jessebfit at gmail

Jesse 11:37 AM, October 18, 2013  

jessebfit at gmail

Katie B 8:16 PM, October 18, 2013  

I love Patagonia clothing, so I bet their shoes are pretty sweet too! (Katie of SLP)

Anonymous,  8:25 PM, October 19, 2013  

Steve - This is Mike in Mankato. I'm due a new pair of shoes after my training program for a half marathon I'm running this weekend. Hook me up! (Please...)

Holly 12:55 AM, October 20, 2013  

I could use a new pair of shoes!

Meg in MI,  6:29 AM, October 20, 2013  

Let's get some shoes!

The Fam 9:32 AM, October 20, 2013  

Teachery AND way cool!

Entrenched Jew 12:08 PM, October 20, 2013  

This would mean I'd have a pair of non-running shoes

Dee 6:47 PM, October 20, 2013  

Thanks for the chance. I love Patagonia shoes especially in the winter due to their warmth and comfort.

deeg131 at gmail dot com

Kristen 6:54 PM, October 20, 2013  

I love so many of their styles! One of my favorites is the Men's Patagonia Yezo Lace

Kristen 6:58 PM, October 20, 2013  

I followed you and tweeted

RunningLaur 7:24 PM, October 20, 2013  

Meeeee! My work shoes are BEAT. These would be great for all that winter snow that is coming soon and I'll be climbing through.

Anonymous,  10:47 PM, October 20, 2013  

Thanks for doing this

Unknown 1:24 PM, October 25, 2013  

I love new shoes (free is even better)! And I love trying new brands and styles.

Suzanne 1:50 PM, October 25, 2013  

Yay! I love the Mahas. May have to buy them anyway!

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Thanks for your comments! Have a great day!


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Want to use something seen here? Just ask - I don't bite.