Friday Funny 609: Top Halloween Costumes by Year and Some Funny Links

>> Friday, October 25, 2013

Finally, here are some of the most popular posts from the last 2 weeks from my tumblr page:

Athletic-related funny things:

If you weren't a runner, you are now.

Ain't that the truth!

Great idea.

When you have a really nice butt.

Lose with your head held high.

Why women shouldn't lift weights.

Great photo from an old bike race.

[GIF] This will make you feel lazy.


Awesome Dad.

Awesome MTB trails.

A good run.

[GIF] She's got soccer skillz.

Great sign from the Chicago Marathon 2 weeks ago.

[GIF] Gym fail.

Some lovely ladies from the Underwear Run before Kona a few weeks back.

Non-athletic funny things:

Answering questions like a politician.

Teaching diversity.

When should you take a nap?

This guy is mean to vegans.

McDonalds needs this.

My phone.

Maybe the best idea for a Halloween Costume.

A REALLY spooky jack-o-lantern.

[GIF] Caught on kiss cam.

This guy can be my dad.


Great halloween costume for computer nerds.

Dear God... use a comma!!

How to get the girl (according to the movies).

Best study guide ever.

Ladies, this is very true.

Why video games make you violent.

The effects of different drugs.

Why none of us can sleep.

[GIF] Me, tomorrow morning.

[GIF] A new way to look at problems in your life.

How to make the best salad ever!

Thanks, friend.

The proper way to "make" cookies.

Taco bell.

[GIF] I REALLY hope Professor X did this at least once.

As my caption says, I'd be insulted if it weren't true.

Remember, check out often for funny stuff. Happy weekend!


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